BO visits mosque, NYT oped criticizes

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Horn6721, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    BO critics have criticize BO for visiting a mosque with terrorist ties but this oped in the NYTimes is from a different angle.
    "To Muslim women’s rights activists fighting for equal access to mosques as part of a broader campaign for reform, President Obama’s visit to the Islamic Society of Baltimore represents a step backwards.
    As President and Michelle Obama argued decades ago in the context of the U.S. civil rights movement, separate is indeed unequal. To Muslim women’s rights activists fighting for equal access to mosques as part of a broader campaign for reform — from equal education for women and girls to freedom from so-called “honor killings” — the president’s visit to a mosque that practices such blatant inequity represents a step backwards. While it may be meant to convey a message of religious inclusiveness to American Muslims, the visit demonstrates tacit acceptance of a form of discrimination that amounts to gender apartheid. For that reason, we will be standing outside the mosque on Johnnycake Road, as close as the Secret Service allows, to protest the separate and unequal standards inside and advocate for equal rights."

    more at link
    These two are not likely to change anyone's opinion but the reality of Islam's view/treatment of women is why sharia should never be allowed here is USA.
    It is surprising that BO doesn't seem to understand how women are treated in the most " peaceful" religion.
  2. UTChE96

    UTChE96 2,500+ Posts

    It is ironic how Obama and Hillary continually defend Islam but attack the so-called "War on Women" by Republicans.
  3. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    It was a good op ed piece written by
    I wonder if the Obama's hadn't visited the Mosque if this important OP Ed Piece would have been of interest to the NYT.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
  4. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Apparently they couldn't find a mosque anywhere in the U.S. that wasn't somehow connected to terrorism. Why else would you choose that one?

    According to the WH he's pleading for tolerance! Tolerance for whom by whom?
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Apparently Obama, who wouldn't speak at Georgetown University back in '09 until they agreed to cover up all the religious icons in the background, appeared before a picture that had "Allah" written in Arabic over and over on it.

    During his speech, he appealed for Hollywood to put non-terrorist muslims on TV shows. You know, help the poor muslims out with a little brain washing. He should have watched "LOST", Sayyid was a former Iraqi Republican Guard and torturer who'd renounced his evil ways.

    Do you think after BO's term is over, he'll come out of the closet as a muslim?
  6. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    Yeah, if the show Fantasy Island returns with Mr. Roark replaced my Mr. Limbaugh.
  7. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    That is a very interesting observation. That BO wouldn't stand in front of Christian symbol at Georgetown yet had no problem standing in front of an allah symbol at the mosque.
    How tolerant is that?
    in reference to the original topic I saw pictures of the females in their separate and definitely not equal prayer rooms while BO was in the opulent men only prayer room. How tolerant is that?
    Why didn't he use that opportunity to speak out against treating women differently?

    edit to add I just read that when those so called muslim Americans recited our pledge they deliberately left out the words Under God.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  8. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Not sure whether that is true or not but "Under God" was added to the pledge in 1954.
  9. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Yes it is true. read the link
    and yes Under God was added over 60 years ago. Your point?
  10. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Yeah, wouldn't want to hurt Michelle's chances at the Presidency on down the road.
  11. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    I don't really care that much, but I'd just say that I doubt they left God out of the pledge because they wanted to stay true to the Founding Fathers' original intent. Let's be real...
  12. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

    I assume you are basing your conclusion on this phrase from the article you cite:

    The words of this pledge never seem to resonate as much. Here we were waiting for the President of the United States to speak to us because the spike in anti-Muslim hate had so skyrocketed that he felt compelled to address the issue. I had to fight back tears as we got to the last line of the pledge: “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    The article does not mention the omitted "under god", much less indicate that the omission was deliberate. Was it actually omitted, or did the author made a mistake? I can't find anything else on the web discussing this, but I didn't look all that hard.
  13. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Yea that is it, the writer who was born well after the phrase was added and who likely attended a school where the pledge was recited every day just made a mistake.
  14. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

    There was a horde of journalists present for the event, and god knows how many others tuned in for the live feed. Yet none of them, that I can find at least, has written about the omission of "under god".

    I agree that the "journalist's mistake" theory sounds unlikely. But I like it better than "Horns6721 is the only person who noticed".
  15. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Thank you for elucidating the problem with partisan politics. Based on a single quote you've made a grand canyon sized leap assuming "under god" wasn't stated and inferring intent on the attendees. You're soooo steeped in the political rhetoric and bias you pass off misinformation as facts because it fits your world view. You've incited others to respond without so much as any verification of your assumption. Pure unadulterated ignorance!
  16. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    Why do we suppose that he uses the term "Muslim-Americans" so much?

    Would your reaction be the same if Obama started doing the same things with other religious groups in the US? --
  17. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Could it be because a certain segment of Americans that he's preaching tolerance too don't see them as "Americans" as evidenced by the keep out the muslims rhetoric within the Republican primary? That's my guess. Jewish Americans is a common term but the others are made up. What about African-Americans?

    Why do you suppose the term is used?
  18. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

    Maybe it's to distinguish Muslim Americans from Muslims who aren't American, or Americans who aren't Muslim.

    Does Obama not refer to Jewish Americans as Jewish Americans (or American Jews)? He certainly spends a lot of effort courting American Jews, but I've never noticed what term he uses.
  19. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    Of course that's it. The Republicans are to blame. What was i thinking?
  20. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Not sure what you were thinking. You didn't answer your own question.
  21. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    That was sarcasm. You are a bit of a one-trick pony.
  22. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Sorry, you're usually funnier thus I assumed it was a serious question. The reposted videos are more successful. Those are gold.

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