So no topics about having our own ESPN Sister site

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by GabeRocksSocks, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. GabeRocksSocks

    GabeRocksSocks 1,000+ Posts

    The Link

    it's an ESPN owned sister site dedicated entirely to the Longhorns. USC also got one. We're the first two college teams to get our own sister sites.

    Watch the videos, this is basically a preview of what the longhorn network will be like. Pretty cool stuff.

    EDIT: Man, I gotta admit it's weird seeing these ESPN level productions with everyone referring to Texas as "we"

    It's... cool
  2. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

  3. freyguy

    freyguy 250+ Posts

    the only thing I observe is Erin Andrews is hot.
  4. jdelatorre

    jdelatorre 500+ Posts

    That is way cool
  5. eddro134

    eddro134 < 25 Posts

    I can get used to that site
  6. H-D Rider

    H-D Rider 1,000+ Posts

    Very cool site... and Erin Andrews is better in person than watching her on TV! [​IMG]
  7. TheGallopinGoose

    TheGallopinGoose 2,500+ Posts

    I like it. It's like watching a sonogram of the Longhorn Network. [​IMG]

    FWHORN 10,000+ Posts

    Pretty cool. [​IMG]
  9. SBC Horn

    SBC Horn 100+ Posts

    So I guess the old meme about ESPN hates "insert my team here" doesn't apply to Texas. They love the hell out of us.

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