Who is 'The Pacer'?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by SectionThree, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. SectionThree

    SectionThree 500+ Posts

    For several years we have noticed a guy who incessantly paces
    from beyond third base, around to beyond first base, then turns
    and repeats his trail -- and this goes on ALL game. This is on
    the promenade between the lower and upper sections. He
    occasionally stops for a few seconds and then resumes pacing.
    He appears to be in his 60s, and until this past season had long
    hair that seemed like he 'perms' it, but this last year he got clipped.
    Anyway, we have on-going bets about how many "rounds" he
    makes during a game.
    Anyone know who this guy is and what is his 'deal'???
  2. cnstoll58

    cnstoll58 100+ Posts

    Now I know what happened to our season last year, he got his hair cut.
  3. SectionThree

    SectionThree 500+ Posts

    Okay, now we know his name is Sampson. Anything else?
  4. cnstoll58

    cnstoll58 100+ Posts

    He doesn't visit HornFans?
  5. SectionThree

    SectionThree 500+ Posts

    He looks like he hopes Delilah will see him, drag him to the parking lot,
    and jump his bones.
  6. hudsonhorn

    hudsonhorn 500+ Posts

    The Seals said the Pacer was bin Laden. This guy just doesn't fit the bill.
  7. NBHorn7

    NBHorn7 Pimp Daddy

  8. Horn87

    Horn87 1,000+ Posts

    well if he is in his 60's he can't be Wilson, especially with the previous long locks--maybe a spy?? [​IMG]
  9. ElginHotSausage

    ElginHotSausage 500+ Posts

    I had a burnt orange Pacer in the late 70's.
  10. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    That explains a lot.
  11. SectionThree

    SectionThree 500+ Posts

    So far he has remained hidden. No pacing at all. Sure hope he is okay, because
    he is a trip to watch. One never knows the guy's motivation (other than not paying
    for a good seat), but he may be trolling. Hopefully, for a female, but who knows?
  12. SectionThree

    SectionThree 500+ Posts

    He is baaaaack. Saturday he resumed pacing. About 20 steps, pause
    as if searching for someone, resume and repeat, all game long. This
    year he has ultra-dark shades, which adds to the mystery (uh huh).

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