Mack Brown - 'carpetbagger'?

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by blonthang, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Trusted Insider

    Trusted Insider 1,000+ Posts

    I feel like a question about your donation history is on the horizon [​IMG]
  2. HORN60

    HORN60 100+ Posts

    What is it, Taps -- you just gotta have the last word - after you've twisted the ones in between?

    If you would like to start every conversation about Mack with 'don't want him here at any price', be my guest.

    I said what I believe and what I wanted to say. Your supercilious concluding phrase more than intimates that, still, you get to put words in my mouth, or adjust my meaning to fit the deep-rooted sourness you approach most things on this board with.

    Do not - at any time - TELL me what to do, or what I said, or what I think. If you would like to comport any of that more in the form of simply telling me what is you think, fine, but don't talk down like some judge in a dark black robe.

    You don't know me. But I know you - at least from the volumes of grit you post here. In that respect, don't pretend like you do know me - at least not to the extent that you pontificate on what you think I should have said instead of what I said.

    In no way do I accept the spin and aggressive bitterness you put on my simple comments. It's like I say A + B = C and you start talking about D.
  3. Texas Taps

    Texas Taps 5,000+ Posts

    HORN60, You stated what you believe and I stated another side. Seems like you're thin skinned.
  4. Orangeblood

    Orangeblood 1,000+ Posts

    You can BOTH stop.

    The arguments against mack based on what he makes are indeed worthless. He makes that due to past accomplishments, current coaching contracts at this time, and it is what is paid at the top levels now. Anybody replacing him will be earning the same or more before he ever steps on the field at Memorial Stadium. It is an invalid and completely meaningless argument.

    And Taps, the manner in which you dismissed that argument bordered on a personal attack. Reign it back.
  5. HORN60

    HORN60 100+ Posts

    Nope. Not thin skinned.

    Like I said, say what you want, just don't pour it down on me like what I said is wrong when it's not. Maybe fools deserve an element of that (and there's more than one on this board), but I'm not one of them.

    I don't have to be thin skinned to dislike being talked down to. No one does. You do that a lot.

    And as far as last words are concerned, let's let this be it. In the order of court argument the plaintiff goes last with a rebuttal to defense closing arguments. I started this - I can finish it.

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