Brown deserved a better ending than this

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by bck031, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. dukesteer

    dukesteer 5,000+ Posts

    "The "fans" that contribute absolutely nothing to the program except their efforts in sitting on a couch certainly deserved this version of the Alamo Bowl."

    Taps, I couldn't disagree with you more. Without the fans there is no Brand, no Godzillatron, no best facilities, no expansions, no unlimited budget, no LHN... Need I continue? The fans are the program.
  2. 1leggedduck

    1leggedduck 1,000+ Posts

    Freud described the longing for the deposed father in The Future of an Illusion. He was a hopped up degenerate, but he figured out that we humans will always express remorse for deposed leaders. I read that book in a Philosophy class called God and Man my Jr. year. Never know when that stuff is going to bubble up. Thank you UT Austin!
  3. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    If you mean Josh Huff, he is a senior this season: "

    I am pretty sure he meant Marcus Mariota QB who will be a junior next year
    and was on the Heisman watch list this year

    After that game he had he will be in the top 3 Candidates next fall.

    TEXnSEATTLE 1,000+ Posts

    I think Mack Brown is a great guy.

    He was TOTALLY responsible for what his ending was....he had 16 years in the planning.....I would have wanted it better, but it was not...
  5. tejas77

    tejas77 1,000+ Posts

    Marcus Mariota is from Hawaii, not Houston. Slight difference between the two locations.
  6. lhbruleshalftime

    lhbruleshalftime 250+ Posts

    I've seen palm trees in Houston [​IMG]

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