BO :'Well Crusaders did it too'

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Horn6721, Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    If there is a more pathetic pretender pretending to lead a country I don't know who it could be.
    Today at the National Prayer breakfast BO said this, I guess in an attempt to pacify islamists and of course the peaceful muslims.
    from BO
    "and unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

    I really like the high horse mention. Why 't someone ask that POS some questions; What was the reason for the Crusades?
    Yes it was considered a Christian campaign but is there a difference between doing something in the name of a religion and committing deeds based on the actions of their prophet?
    When were the Crusades?

    Which religion has evolved?

    Does BO truly think there is an equivalency between what the Crusaders did a thousand years to what the islamists are doing on a daily basis?
    Does anyone think muslims feel better by his words?
  2. FridayNiteLites

    FridayNiteLites 500+ Posts

  3. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    So just assuming his point, the natural follow up would be that in 1000 years, one of those religions is still riding into villages and lopping off heads, and one isn't.

    I'd like to hear him say "lest we liberals get on our high horses, it wasn't 10 years ago that we were in agreement with conservatives that marriage was defined as man and woman." I'm pretty sure that logic wouldn't be applied both ways.
  4. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Ohhhh, people did it in the name of Christ 1000 years ago, that makes it OK. What a pathetic P.O.S .Surely even patriotic Americans on the Left must be getting tire of apologizing for this man.
  5. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    There is so much anger in political discussion that't it's not worth my time to sort the Faux Outrage from legitimate irritating BS. People are upset that Obama is coming to take their guns (huh? what? where?)

    I just want to thank Sen. Ted Cruz. The one thing he's done that I appreciate is being born in Canada, son of a non-US father. Now my "evangelical" friends don't spam me with endless, unanswerable, inquiries about Obama's long form birth certificate.
  6. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Croc ??
    uh? what ?
    Is there even ONE word in this thread about guns?
    where is it?

    Do you have a thought on the actual topic?
  7. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Horn6721 you omitted that BO also said Christ was used to justify slavery and Jim Crow too!! Just amazing.

    You'd think at a time like this, when the world needs to come together to fight evil, our alleged President would want to say things that might help bring the World together, but no he CAN'T. He physically CANNOT. It's against his nature.

    He doesn't care that ISIS is burning POWs alive, burying children alive, beheading "inifidels", and selling girls into sex slavery. In his warped world, Europe and the West have commited crimes against the Third World and it is just that they are being punished now.
  8. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

  9. Murphy'sBoy

    Murphy'sBoy 1,000+ Posts

    What is quoted in the OP as said by Obama is factually correct.
  10. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Do YOU need some insight to understand BO's remarks from today's breakfast?

    Do you see an equivalency between the Crusades of over a thousand years ago( which btw as I hope you know were in response to an appeal from Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos, who requested that western volunteers come to his aid and help to repel the invading Seljuq Turks from Anatolia)
    and for instance the ISIS slaughter of Christians and Muslims in Syria or Iraq THIS year?
    Or is there an equivalency to horror Boko Haram is doing daily?
    BO insulted all Christians and Americans with that crap . Do you think he made muslims feel better?
    Why ignore topic? What do you think was BO's point?
  11. Murphy'sBoy

    Murphy'sBoy 1,000+ Posts

    Maybe his point was that killing people in the name of religion is nothing new
  12. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    The example is VERY prevalent. It was a perversion of the religion by a subset of it's followers. Does it matter that it was 1,000 years ago or today? I think the high horse that Obama was referring to is on display right here.

    Either way, killing in the name of religion is an inherent evil, regardless of the religion you follow. That's the message. Just because some religious people want to brand an entire religion doesn't alter that fact. I also don't think all Christian's should be branded by the Crusades and the KKK doesn't speak for them either. I believe that's the point that Obama was making.

    So, if you are one of them that's saying we need to blanketly defame Islam then I suggest you are looking down from that high horse right now. I'm sure that Muslim living peacefully down the street from you would agree.
  13. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

  14. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    The point is that the world needs leadership right now, not a ******* history lesson. For the first time in my lifetime, our country is led by a weakling who cannot provide that leadership.
  15. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Really? ?
    So you think that because it was done over a thousand years ago by Christians and Muslims we should be ok with Muslims doing it all over the world to other Muslims and Christians?
    That we, the civilized world, should give pass to the barbarian muslims doing today?

    "Does it matter that it was 1,000 years ago or today? "
    Honestly. can you sincerely say there is an equivalency between the Crusaders responding to muslim aggression a thousand years ago to what the muslims( ISIS AL Q Taliban AQAP Boko Haram etc etc) are doing today?
    Or BO is trying to make Christianity of thousand years ago the bad guy then he also has to admit that islam of today is a bad guy.
    BO can't have it both ways, neither can you
  16. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

  17. mojo17

    mojo17 1,000+ Posts

    I will say that the Kings subjects will follow him to the depts. of hell, he can do no wrong.
  18. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    What I find troubling here and among politically active friends on Facebook is that by accusing Obama of "allowing ISIS" to commit atrocities, it means they want us to go all out to prevent them.

    I certainly believe the United States capable of paicifying the violent adherents of Islam from the Atlantic shores of Nigeria to the eastern border of Pakistan. Hell, we vanquished the Axis powers who though confined to smaller geographic areas were world technological leaders and much more competent in organized brutality. But to pacify the bad guys in dozens of autonomous countries would require a WWII-like national effort, cost trillions, the lives of many of our best young people, higher taxes, sacrifice on a massive scale and sustained national focus. I'm not down with that. If you are, I suggest you let John McCain and Lindsay Graham know about it and start campaigning hard for those guys to dominate the GOP as they seem ready inject our forces wherever in the world injustice occurs.

    The reality is that any reasonable solution will require will organization and muscular effort by the people of the affected regions. I don't think the people of the United States want us to be the World Policeman or even the World Police Chief (if you see us a leaders of a coalition.)
  19. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

  20. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    The leadership that he's espousing is the same coming from any myriad of other world leaders. He's called ISIS a "death cult" and stated they in now way represent the Muslim faith. The latter point has been stated by the King of Jordan, President of France and many other leaders. The US has planes in the sky over ISIS territory right now and has attempted clandestine rescue missions with special forces in ISIS territory. The US has worked with other Muslim majority countries in the ME to also attack ISIS positions.
    What specific leadership are you expecting? Do you want boots on the ground? I suspect the answer is "no". Do you want greater rhetoric, maybe calling Islam inherently evil? Us that leadership
    to you? What do you think that will do for those Shiite countries currently attacking ISIS?

    I happen to believe that the only way to battle Islamic Fundamentalism is for the Muslims to defeat it, just as Christian's ultimately decided that burning non-believers at the stake wasn't very "Christian". In a battle of hearts and minds, it's generally not a good strategy to start by ostracizing the hearts and minds we have the potential to win over.

    Incidentally, this reportis a good overview of Jordan's role as of December in the fight against ISIS. 60 of their 85 planes in their airforce are F-16's so stating we need to supply them military hardware rings a little hollow. I know we didn't supply them recently but we give billions in aid each year to Jordan and have for years.
  21. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

  22. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    You libs can't even admit that the president (little "p" because he isn't much of a President), stepped on his own dong with his ham-handed attempt at moral equivalency.

    The main stream media knows that he fooked up again and is rushing to his defense, like they always do, by trying to sweep his remarks under the carpet. ABC, NBC, and CBS didn't even give it a mention on the nightly news. They want to keep the LIVs ignorant. They don't want them to know what an extremist is in the WH.

    The Link
  23. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    Thanks. I guess to understand the world we live in we need Clean, 6721 and FOX, for unbiased, insightful analysis. Thanks much.

    So we'll know what to expect from a great leader, what should Obama have said? Obviously, SH, Murphy's Boy and I don't know.
  24. I35

    I35 5,000+ Posts

    I think what needs to be done is quit listening to what he says and watch his actions. Why are we having problems with Israel right now? We have always had a great relationship with them. I'm guessing it's because Israel is the enemy of Muslims. This President has chosen his side and is forcing this on the rest of America. Then you have people right here on this thread that is still trying to defend this con man. It's just unbelievable that there are some here that is so deep in bed with this guy that will try to defend all thousands of things he's done wrong as the President (or even before when he was in the senate). The spinning is just so crazy. These same guys would have been great followers of Jim Jones. Seriously it's become a cult. Most America has seen what this guy is about because they quit listening and are now observing his actions.
  25. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    I was considering jumping into this thread, but on second thought, I think I'll just keep quiet. I just don't see anything good coming out of this discussion.
  26. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    You asked what he should have saidI will offer an opinion even though you like others are too blind to step back and see a bigger picture than defending your chosen one.

    What if BO had mentioned that yes horrible things were done in the name of Christianity during the Crusades, things done in response to things done by Muslims., Both sides were wrong in what they did. One side evolved and progressed.It is time for the other side to do the same.

    If BO had said something like that th his bringing up events from hundreds of years ago would have been in the right context.
    keep I mind most ( not all but MOST) Muslims with having sharia law.
  27. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    I think if he has said that, it would have played well to the FOX news crowd (at least until they figured out how to spin it as more proof he's the worst president in history.) But it wouldn't play well with Muslims or our allies around the world.

    How do you think Christians would respond to well-meaning criticism by the leaders of Indonesia (the world's most populous primarily Muslim country) or Saudia Arabia on the deplorable sexualy morality in the United States and Western Europe (promiscuity, unwed births, rampant VD, divorce, etc.) by either the standards of Christian and Muslim faith?
  28. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    IF Christians were behaving like muslims the world over who are using the words of their prophet to justify the actions( BTW all the horrible actions NOT just by islamists) and muslims were not acting simillarly then a muslim leader should be able to point out atrocious actions taken in the name of Jesus Christ.

    And Croc WHY are BO and you more concerned about what muslims think? Do you truly think IF BO had used his speech to make the observation that yes Christianity was used for horror a thousand years ago but Christianity has evolved those words would have inflamed muslims to commit acts of atrocities
    like say beheading or burning or stoning or cutting hands off or raping young girls etc ad nauseum?
  29. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

  30. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    6721 -- I think fixing the horrific problems you've identified will require cooperation of Muslims with whom we share common common ideals and we should try, as best we can to cultivate relationships with them. I don't think we have any common ground with or or potential to influence the perps.

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