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Looking for 4 or 5 UT vs LSU Tickets

Discussion in 'Swap Meet' started by Aspen1, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Aspen1

    Aspen1 100+ Posts

    Cannot sit in the west side upper deck
  2. Pogo

    Pogo 250+ Posts

    How about upper north endzone, row 1/2?
  3. elduncan

    elduncan < 25 Posts

    I have 3 tickets West Side, lower level. they are actually underneath the upper deck, so you do not have to worry about sun or weather issues.
  4. docwag

    docwag < 25 Posts

    What section and row for these 3 tickets? What is the price?
  5. elduncan

    elduncan < 25 Posts

    Section 7, Row 78. They also have seatbacks installed. I also have an Orange Parking Pass (Trinity Garage) and 3 club passes. Asking price: $1800 for all
  6. elduncan

    elduncan < 25 Posts

    If you are interested, I would let you have them for $400 each

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