Cheney Indicted in Texas

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Horn69, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Horn69

    Horn69 2,500+ Posts

    Stevens goes down, now the Veep. Bush and the Pubs have to be going out of office lower than low...except Nixon I guess.
    The Link

    Hook'em!!! [​IMG]
  2. zork

    zork 2,500+ Posts

    Delay was indicted too, not convicted though. Guess Cheney gets to be slathered in pre-guilt by the Dems too. Change!
  3. Oilfield

    Oilfield Guest

    Texas really needs to scrap popular elections for judges.
  4. Napoleon

    Napoleon 2,500+ Posts

    If Cheney got strung up naked by the balls from the flag pole in front of the capitol building, it still wouldn't be a fraction of what he deserves.

    Texas should be thankful for popularly elected judges.

  5. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    I'm not a big fan of Dick Cheney but this looks to be a bizarre indictment by a lame duck prosecutor. What surprises me is that the prosecutor could get enough Texans on a grand jury to agree with this lunacy.
  6. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  7. Lat22

    Lat22 1,000+ Posts

  8. ruidosomike

    ruidosomike 100+ Posts

    The left certainly has more than its share of nutbags. Good grief.
  9. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    The left? Bush/Cheney/Limbaugh/Palin/DeLay/Nixon/Atwater, no, no "nuts" on the right are there?
  10. naked_bongo

    naked_bongo 500+ Posts

  11. bozo_casanova

    bozo_casanova 2,500+ Posts

  12. chango

    chango 2,500+ Posts

  13. Summerof79

    Summerof79 2,500+ Posts

    I agree Zork- I too am very proud of the Texas Supreme Court decision in this case where laundering checks is a distinct, seperate, and not at all realted to money laundering. Which allowed DeLay to not go to trial.... Checks aren't money...

    Guess that pretty much locks my Cheney on the Bush pardon list.
  14. Bubba Don

    Bubba Don 250+ Posts

    I am no fan of Cheyney, so I don't mind criticism of him. But this smells like some cooked up BS to me.

    Hook em
  15. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    The DA is a lame duck and an idiot; grand juries are easy to manipulate. South Texas, where I live, is full of extremely stupid, clannish people. Willacy County is the runt step child of Hidalgo and Cameron, two cesspools of corruption.

    The judge who will oversee this nonsense is from Corpus and will not look kindly on this. He is a conservative democrat.

    This is going nowhere.
  16. zzzz

    zzzz 2,500+ Posts

  17. HornsHornsHorns

    HornsHornsHorns 500+ Posts

    This was a clowndick move from a complete clowndick. While it may be funny to some partisans, this is a naked affront to justice and the rule of law and a thorough misuse of official power. Anyone who has an iota of respect for the justice system should be pretty mad about this.
  18. dognduckhorn

    dognduckhorn 500+ Posts

  19. VYFan

    VYFan 2,500+ Posts

  20. El Torito

    El Torito 1,000+ Posts

    Stupid publicity stunt. Nothing more.
  21. celis

    celis 250+ Posts

    Didn't Guerra lose to Mickey Mouse in the 80s?

    I know Mickey beat someone for the Willacy county DA.
  22. 71grad

    71grad 1,000+ Posts

    Yeah. Like a local DA has the jurisdiction to act on this anyway.
  23. jameson_bond

    jameson_bond 500+ Posts

  24. HornsHornsHorns

    HornsHornsHorns 500+ Posts


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