Natalie Portman signs on for Thor

Discussion in 'Cactus Cafe' started by Hornius Emeritus, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Hornius Emeritus

    Hornius Emeritus 2,500+ Posts

    This could be pretty kickass:

    The Link
  2. Craigcito

    Craigcito 250+ Posts

  3. Ramathorn

    Ramathorn 1,000+ Posts

    Wasn't Thor a dude? Guys can have long hair right?
  4. atxbomber

    atxbomber 1,000+ Posts

    Along with Mickey Rourke and Scarlett Johansson signing on for Iron Man 2, Marvel's doing a great job casting their Avengers movies.
  5. FondrenRoad

    FondrenRoad 1,000+ Posts

    She looks good, but she's way overrated as an actress.
  6. ACuriae

    ACuriae 500+ Posts

    She is not, however, overrated as a pieceofactress.
  7. hornpharmd

    hornpharmd 5,000+ Posts

    So with Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, and now Thor.......when is the actual Avenger's movie going to be filmed?

    Oh wait, I found it:

    Doesn't say who will be directing it but I would have to think Fav.
  8. TxStHorn

    TxStHorn 1,000+ Posts

    They just better not screw up Captain America. He's always been my favorite, and no movie or show has ever done him justice.
  9. merkwurdichliebe

    merkwurdichliebe 25+ Posts

    I approve of and am pleased by this casting.
  10. halsteadfrost

    halsteadfrost 1,000+ Posts

    Ummmm.... Nice photo they chose to use...

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