NBA Rules Change: Traveling

Discussion in 'Men’s Basketball' started by updog07, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. updog07

    updog07 500+ Posts

    Now you are allowed to take 3 steps.... As if you werent able to before this rule change.

    Now im guessing we will start seeing 4 steps instead of 3.

    Lets just get rid of the dribble all together. Who needs it, right?

    (edit: The reply made me realize my numerical errors. )
  2. GoHornsGo90

    GoHornsGo90 1,000+ Posts

    You have always been allowed to take two steps in basketball...
  3. l00p

    l00p 10,000+ Posts

    Jordan would take what, six steps? We will never know how good of a player he really is since he cannot play without cheating and travelling. Sad.
  4. 4realhorn

    4realhorn 500+ Posts

    Are you serious? Did the rule really change to 3 steps now? I find that hard to believe.
  5. Pitter09

    Pitter09 250+ Posts

  6. beaVo

    beaVo 500+ Posts

    when will they decide to raise the goal another foot?
  7. bierce

    bierce 1,000+ Posts

    Forget the number of steps and raising the basket; I want to know when they are going to replace sections of the floor with trampolines.
  8. Blue Moon

    Blue Moon 25+ Posts

    With the new rule, Lebron James will not have to ever dribble. In fact the refs will call a violation if Lebron bounces the ball more than two times while sprinting down the court.
  9. Dude

    Dude 1,000+ Posts

    do they have to be towards the door?

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