Aggy debating bonfire 10 years later after tragedy

Discussion in 'In The Stands' started by HousHorn09, Nov 17, 2009.

  1. Sealman81

    Sealman81 25+ Posts

    Tragedies occur when a drunk driver plows into a crowd of people......

    That guy gets charged with vehicular manslaughter or homicide....

    Aggy officials got a pass for allowing a ridiculously dangerous stunt to occur on campus with NUMEROUS warnings that such an event was LIKELY.
  2. chango

    chango 2,500+ Posts

    I was talking to an older aggy (mid 40s) [​IMG]
  3. Nomad

    Nomad 25+ Posts

    For decades, they got away with just "whistling past the graveyard" from the standpoint of liability.

    A bunch of students (drunk or not) building a large structure, using heavy equipment and saws, hauling wood, etc is a certain means to get somebody hurt regardless of how well supervised they may have thought it was. No other entity in today's letigious society would have gotten away with that.

    I don't really care if they have a fire. But, they should be held to the same standards as everyone else. If they are, then the fire will be designed by real engineers and built by insured workers.

    And another thing is that I'm sick of hearing aggy refer to the 12 people that died as "fallen". They aren't referring to the fact that they fell with the logs; they're referring to them as if they died for a cause as heroes, like soldiers.

    That's just twisted.

    Like the guy above said "people died as a result of bonfire, not for bonfire"
  4. Tailgate

    Tailgate 500+ Posts

    This was a huge tradition. If I were on their side I would want to see plans in place to prevent what happened and I would like to see it burn again.
  5. longtex

    longtex Guest

  6. texas_ex2000

    texas_ex2000 2,500+ Posts


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