Tebow Drinking Game

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by FridayNiteLites, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. FridayNiteLites

    FridayNiteLites 500+ Posts

    I thought it was funny:

    The Tim Tebow Drinking Game:

    * Drink every time Tebow is called "a warrior." Bonus chug if any of your friends sing the first two hours lines of Scandal's opus "I am a warrior" and change the lyrics to "Tebow is..." Dance, Tebow, you magnificent ####.
    * Drink every time Tebow's called "a leader," then salute.
    * Drink every time Tebow's called a "special athlete," then yell "Tiiiimmmmmmmmay!"* Finish your drink if the announcers suggest Tebow should win the Heisman again this year.
    * Drink every time Tebow points to the sky. Then realize the only reason the sky hasn't fallen is the strength of his pointing.
    * Drink every time Tebow references God. Or himself. Tom-A-to. Tom-ah-to.
    * Drink every time he's shown on the sidelines flapping his arms like a bird (or an idiot) to pump up the crowd.
    * If (when) Tebow actually takes flight, finish your drink and do a shot.
    * Drink every time Tebow's on camera for no reason when the Florida defense is on the field.
    * Drink every time Tebow is seen screaming with his helmet off.
    * Drink every time they show a "I Heart Tebow" sign in the stands.
    * Drink every time you see a Florida fan in jorts. (Small sips on this one. Otherwise it could kill you).
    * Shot every time they mention his experience as missionary.
    * If they mention him performing circumcisions in the Philippines while he was a missionary - Chug your beer, do a shot of Patron.
    * Drink every time Meyer touches Tebow. Finish the beer if he puts h...
  2. Alto Relex

    Alto Relex 250+ Posts

    I don't think my fridge holds that much beer.
  3. charloscarlies

    charloscarlies 250+ Posts

    Hey come on now. I actually want to be slightly coherent by the time our game kicks off! [​IMG]
  4. BevoNation

    BevoNation 500+ Posts

    This will be in full effect Saturday afternoon. It should make it a little more bearable.
  5. South Austin

    South Austin 2,500+ Posts

    * If the announcer says that if you spend five minutes with Tim Tebow your life is better for it, inject a large dose of heroin.
  6. Psychopharmahorn

    Psychopharmahorn 250+ Posts

    Excellent, thanks!
  7. UT86&89

    UT86&89 100+ Posts

    Severe liver damage.

    I think the above references are enough to induce vomiting on a completely sober person. I swear if the circumcision story rears its head, I'm smashing my TV.

    I do want to hear how he's a virgin, though, because I think that's funny.
  8. FridayNiteLites

    FridayNiteLites 500+ Posts

    They ought to ask Timmy if he circumsized himselt.
  9. White Castle

    White Castle 100+ Posts

  10. baylorbear245

    baylorbear245 100+ Posts

    Good stuff. The last one is the killer
  11. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    Even one quarter of the Tim Tebow Network broadcast of the Tim Tebow SEC Championship Game between the Florida Tim Tebows and some other team would lead to requiring a stomach pump in every household for your game participants, if all the rules were followed. So no thank you.
  12. Hu_Fan

    Hu_Fan Guest

  13. Oilfield

    Oilfield Guest

    You can also drink every time they say that Colt and Jordan are roommates.
  14. rickysrun

    rickysrun 2,500+ Posts

    Pregame addition to the Tebow Drinking Game. Does he go Old or New Testament on the eye black? Make predictions, losers take a shot of tequila or slam a beer.
  15. FridayNiteLites

    FridayNiteLites 500+ Posts

    You have to take an extra shot if you get the book quoted from also.
  16. Texas0407

    Texas0407 500+ Posts

    This sounds like fun...if I knew who Tim Tebow was.
  17. Texanne

    Texanne 5,000+ Posts

    ****, if I played this game, I'd be passed out by the middle of the first quarter!
  18. Pork Chop

    Pork Chop 25+ Posts

    Addendum to Oilfield's post:

    The person to your left must do a shot when:
    - they mention that their dads are coaches
    - they mention that their brothers are friends

    - they show a map showing the distance and/or population of Tuscola relative to the distance and/or population of Austin and/or UT.
  19. Eichmare

    Eichmare 100+ Posts

    You should also drink whenever Tebow is shown in the highlight reels coming into or going out of commercial break.

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