Archibald Charles Manning

Wow I can't even imagine the pressure that will be on Arch.
Right, 6721. We need to remember that Arch is very high in football talent, but low on experience. He's had two years at Texas to learn, and he did well filling in when Quinn was out. He'll have the Spring to hone his skills - but the only way he'll get game experience in tough games is to play in tough games. And there will likely be some very tough games for him to gain experience and judgment.
There is an old adage - "How do you get good judgment? Through experience. How do you get experience? Through bad judgment." Hopefully he'll have very few cases of bad judgment when he's the starter.
Wow I can't even imagine the pressure that will be on Arch.

If there is any QB anywhere who is prepared for this it's Arch. His entire family has been in the spotlight including him their entire lives. It doesn't eliminate the pressure, but it sure helps with how to manage it.
I hope the fanbase treats Arch better than the way they treated :
And Ellinger
And Malik
And Thompson
And Swoopes
And Gilbert
And Card
And Ash
And Heard
And Case
I hope the fanbase treats Arch better than the way they treated :
And Ellinger
And Malik
And Thompson
And Swoopes
And Gilbert
And Card
And Ash
And Heard
And Case
I hope he brings more titles than all of those guys did. And they all had some memorable moments, but....

I hope the fanbase treats Arch better than the way they treated :
And Ellinger
And Malik
And Thompson
And Swoopes
And Gilbert
And Card
And Ash
And Heard
And Case

One thing I know is there will be a certain base when there is a capable back up and the starter is faltering or not getting it done, they will always call for the backup.

With so much attention given to the giant Manning name, I'm not even sure if any regular fan even knows who the backup QB will be. I can promise the back up may not even get a mention in the media at all so that's in his favor.
One thing I know is there will be a certain base when there is a capable back up and the starter is faltering or not getting it done, they will always call for the backup.

With so much attention given to the giant Manning name, I'm not even sure if any regular fan even knows who the backup QB will be. I can promise the back up may not even get a mention in the media at all so that's in his favor.
Agree, Vol. And I believe that should Arch not measure up to the extremely high expectations, we will immediately begin to hear the "overrated" mantra from far and wide.
He played his *** off for the Horns and was a tough mofo.
Yea he had his worst game at worst possible moment.
But he never deserved the vitriol spewed from the fanbase.
And yet he still bleeds burnt orange and supports the Horns at every oppertunity.
Something I can agree with you on, except your spelling.:smile1:
I am calling now that there WILL be AT LEAST three games with 400 yards passing and 60 yards rushing. And one of those will be more than 500 combined yards...
I am calling now that there WILL be AT LEAST three games with 400 yards passing and 60 yards rushing. And one of those will be more than 500 combined yards...
That would be three of San Jose, UTEP, Sam Houston, and Mississippi State. Florida and Kentucky are possible.
A mobile QB (like Arch) can make up for a lot of OL shortcomings...but i also have faith for next year.

Just make sure they get coached up to avoid illegal downfield calls...
Make sure they know the difference between "on one" and "on two" and of course can count to two.
