Arizona hires Kevin Sumlin

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by bck031, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. bck031

    bck031 1,000+ Posts

  2. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Arizona just bested it's rival, ASU. Who would you rather have? Sumlin or Herm Edwards?
  3. ViperHorn

    ViperHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Edwards could be a real train wreck, but if he survives one full year - recruiting, season, recruiting he could manage to be somewhat successful. Sumlin will win as long as he has the cash to support the payroll.
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  4. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    According to the DMN his salary is $14.5 million over four years. Aggy has to pay him $10.5 million in NINE days. So Aggy thought he was worth $25 million guaranteed over five years. Arizona gets him for a little more than half that. Wonder if that same delusion is in place with Fisher's contract.
  5. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Win-win. Stumblin is about to cash in!
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  6. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    One thing I want to say and I hope you guys know my posts well enough to know I'm sincere. When I started reading the DMN article about Sumlin's hire, it didn't even cross my mind that he was black. Then as I read through the press conference it was obvious it was a big deal for Arizona as he was their first black head football coach ever. Sumlin said this is the third stop where he was the first black hire and hoped it wouldn't be the first or second question (I'm paraphrasing) asked the next time it happens.
  7. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    The "delusion" of hiring Fisher and approving that contract is likely to never be equaled.
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  8. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    Almost makes the contracts little Stevie P awarded look rational.
  9. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    That just goes to show how bad this Fisher contract really is. I heard Dan Patrick discussing the Jon Gruden deal. He said, "He may be worth $10 million per year but not for ten years. I think years 6 - 10 will be a big problem because all the hype and excitement of the initial hire will be long gone UNLESS he wins big."

    I paraphrased that a bit but it is exactly what I would say about Fisher.
  10. X Misn Tx

    X Misn Tx 2,500+ Posts

    He may hope it won't be an early question, but it's the reality when you're the first. I understand his perspective, but it will be a generation before most colleges have had their "first." Until then, be're breaking barriers across the country. It's an awesome problem for you. Also...suck it Sumlin!
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  11. rick mueller

    rick mueller Burnt Orange Bleeder

    The thing I will always remember about Sumlin is the "deer in the headlights" look he exhibited when the JFF autograph incident blew up. It was clear Sumlin was way over his head and didn't know where to turn. I'm sure he had to be thinking "WTH have I gotten into?"
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  12. bck031

    bck031 1,000+ Posts

    He often had that look on the sidelines.
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