Basic Things That You Don't Know ...

Discussion in 'Esther's Follies' started by Barton Hills, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. Barton Hills

    Barton Hills 1,000+ Posts

    Every now and then I realize just how stupid I may really be. It came to my attention today that I really wasn't sure what exactly "AM" and "PM" stand for.

    Thank you Interwebs search ...

    "Ante Meridiem" ... "Post Meridiem".

  2. Longhorn_Fan68

    Longhorn_Fan68 1,000+ Posts

    I don't know how to tie very many useful knots and it always pisses me off when I have a use for something other than a square knot.
  3. Steel Shank

    Steel Shank 1,000+ Posts

    I discovered the correct spelling of my middle name at the ripe age of 28.
  4. LAktownhorn

    LAktownhorn 250+ Posts

    i really still have no idea why the sky is blue.
  5. IsThatATitleist?

    IsThatATitleist? 250+ Posts

    How bark was made out of a tree? [​IMG]
  6. El_Oso

    El_Oso 500+ Posts

    I still don't know how to ride/drive/shift (whatever you call it) a motorcycle. I can drive a standard transmission car, but not a motorcycle.

    I also can't balance on skates of any kind, be it ice or roller skates. I was meant to be on my feet.
  7. Knoxville-Horn

    Knoxville-Horn 1,000+ Posts

    I still know - literally - nothing about cars. Nothing. I can read off sports stats like you wouldn't believe. But, cars? No.

    I couldn't even figure out how to change a broken tail light bulb the other day. Makes going to the mechanic a real pain in the ***. I think they're laughing at me when I turn my back.

    Also, the spelling of some words screw me up. Most of the time, after writing the word down, I can figure it out. However, the word "seperate/separate" I have to look up every time.
  8. Ramathorn

    Ramathorn 1,000+ Posts

    Nothing about cars and science. Really, not a lot about computers also. I also am not mechanically inclined. Had a hard *** time installing a car seat.

    Ladies of the board, have I mentioned that I am now single?
  9. TheFied

    TheFied 2,500+ Posts

    I don't know how Jeff Goldblum hopped on the alien WiFi network in "Independence Day" when I sometimes have a problem hopping on my network at work with my work laptop.

    Maybe it was because he had a Mac???
  10. K-Man

    K-Man 250+ Posts

    I don't know how to stop after just 4 beers.
  11. 2farfromhome

    2farfromhome 25+ Posts

    This is the dumbest of dumb, but up until I was about 25, I didn't know what the deal was with the "Do Not Pass" and "Pass With Care" signs on the side of the highways was all about. I thought that it meant you weren't supposed to pass the sign, not pass other cars and I couldn't figure out why they were everywhere and why everyone just ignored them. Then one day, I realized that they cooresponded with the dashes and solid lines on the road indicating passing zones. I still can't believe that I was too dumb to figure that out for like 25 years.
  12. Smurfette

    Smurfette 500+ Posts

    I can't ever remember people's names when I first meet them.
  13. RichUT

    RichUT 250+ Posts

    I don't fully comprehend how awesome I am.
  14. Uncle Rico

    Uncle Rico 1,000+ Posts

  15. TheFied

    TheFied 2,500+ Posts

    A friend of mine's girlfriend thought that the # in SPF was how many minutes you needed to reapply.
  16. wolfman

    wolfman 1,000+ Posts

    I dont know how to swim. I never learned when I was younger and have been taking group lessons this summer at the rec center with little success. Im an aquatic doofus.
  17. I don't know how much OU sucks. I just know its impossible to measure!
  18. RyanUTAustin

    RyanUTAustin 1,000+ Posts

    Why is the sky blue?

    Rayleigh scattering: this causes light to scatter when it passes through particles that have a diameter one-tenth that of the wavelength (color) of the light.

    Sunlight is made up of all different colors of light, but because of the elements in the atmosphere the color blue is scattered much more efficiently than the other colors.

    So when you look at the sky on a clear day, you can see the sun as a bright disk. The blueness you see everywhere else is all of the atoms in the atmosphere scattering blue light toward you.
    (Because red light, yellow light, green light and the other colors aren't scattered nearly as well, you see the sky as blue.)
  19. Beau Vine

    Beau Vine 1,000+ Posts

  20. 1918Speedway

    1918Speedway 250+ Posts

    I don't know liquid and dry measures, like how many pints in a quart or how many teaspoons in a tablespoon. I have to look that up every time.
  21. LdyLnghrn

    LdyLnghrn 100+ Posts

    I don't know how to start my lawnmower. I can change a tire, change the oil in my car (including the filter), change the air filter, change the spark plugs, change the battery, change out the headlight, change the windshield wipers, change the fuses, change burned tail light bulbs, and last week I even changed the brake pads, rotors, and calipers on the rear brakes!! But I don't even know how to start my f'ing lawnmower. I guess that is what teenage sons are for. [​IMG]
  22. GatorDave

    GatorDave 500+ Posts


    That's insane. How can you have all that mechanical stuff figured out but can't start a lawnmower?
  23. LdyLnghrn

    LdyLnghrn 100+ Posts

    The ex-Mr. LdyLnghrn always did all of the mowing, and when he moved out, my boys were all into their teens and took over that duty. So, I've never had to mow the grass, and have never had to start the mower. I suppose that if I HAD to, I could figure it out. But as long as I have sons living at home, I'm not in any hurry to learn that particular piece of information. [​IMG]
  24. pigboy1

    pigboy1 25+ Posts

    I don't know how people enjoy the taste of Blue Cheese. Basically green mold.
  25. Knoxville-Horn

    Knoxville-Horn 1,000+ Posts

    I love blue cheese.

    Not sure if this qualifies but, I've never played golf in my life.

    Also, it's not basic but, how in the hell do they keep score in cricket? I've never seen anything so complicated in my life.
  26. Horn-N-LA

    Horn-N-LA 1,000+ Posts

    Speaking of scoring, I never knew how they came up with love/15/30/40, etc in tennis. Seems so much easier to go the first to 4 wins, or something like that.
  27. natethehorn

    natethehorn 100+ Posts

    For the record, the original poster's lawnmower is a real *****. [​IMG]
  28. GarCiaRia

    GarCiaRia 100+ Posts

    I never learned how to keep score in bowling. I don't know how to play poker and never did growing up. I don't know how to sew a friggin button on when it pops off. I don't know how to play fantasy football, baseball, etc. I never wanted to learn because it makes you watch the games for the "wrong" reasons.

    geez, I didn't realize how inadequate I am. [​IMG]
  29. Texas0407

    Texas0407 500+ Posts

    I don't know what the word "notwithstanding" means. I didn't know it meant when I was in school and I don't know what it means today.
  30. oldgeezer

    oldgeezer 25+ Posts

    I'm a really good speller, but I've never been able to spell rythm, uh rhtythm, uh rhyhyhtm. Screw it. It's that thing that I don't have any of on the dance floor.

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