Can anyone justify NOT having the Wall?

This is a good explanation. Let me add, that those in power want to weaken opposition. Europeans, when given a chance, vote against mass Muslim immigration and actions that reduce safety and hide wrong doing. Think of all the normal white-guy protests in England, France, and the Netherlands over the last 5 years. The elites see them as enemies and want to demoralize them and crush them politically. This is why elected officials many times do the opposite of what they are voted in to do. It is why European countries outlaw right wing political parties. It is why European states jail whites of memes, praying in public, and criticizing state tyranny. There are economic interests as Deez notes above, but there are also political/cultural interests too.

You can see it in the 2-tiered policing. If someone of the Right "causes distress" online by posting a meme or saying something that pisses off a leftist, he can be jailed. Nigel Farage's bank account was closed. It wasn't in Europe, but think about what happened to the protesting truckers in Canada. People were jailed. Bank accounts were frozen.

But on the other hand, people who did real violence in the name of BLM mostly got off light. I'm not aware of any leftists who called for the violence being prosecuted. Obviously Muslims in Europe routinely stir up anti-Western and antisemitic sentiment. Rarely are they punished. (BTW, I'm not saying they should be, but there should be consistency, and there clearly isn't.)

There are very real and very substantial penalties for right wing activism, and that clearly suppresses and chills opposition to the agenda.
I think we need it and the reasons we need it are numerous and have become very clear during my almost 7 decades on the planet. Also, it might be needed to keep people here.... at some point.... ;)
Saw an article today where a few folks are already starting to self-deport. I don't think we'll need a massive deportation operation, just enough to show we are serious. Even better would be to couple this with real and honest implementation of E-verify. complete with actual follow though and application of penalties/fines for non-compliance.