Clay Helton out, at USC

No; he has been on a short leash since the first of last season. This gives them time to find a $EC worthy coach. ;)
I remember after the game here in Austin hearing the USC fans saying he needed to be fired. Seems he lasted longer than Herman.
Mike Bohn hired Luke Fickell at Cincinnati.

There's your guy. I doubt Fickell would turn him down, unless he really, really wants to stay in the upper Midwest. Fickell is an Ohio State guy. Give him time, and Fickell could dominate the PAC at the USC platform--even if Mario doesn't leave Oregon for the pros at some point.
A good read at Slate on how USC's football program went off the rails:

How a College Football Powerhouse Fell Apart

Or, at least it was good until I got to this paragraph:

On another hand, the USC of the past 10 years is a cautionary tale about how organizational chaos can keep a program from fulfilling its upside. At USC, it’s been scandals and a pointless bent toward hiring only USC people. At FSU, it’s been constant discord and backbiting between various power centers. At Texas, it’s been booster and administrative meddling transcending multiple coaching staffs, and in the future, it might be a desire to satisfy racist white donors by playing a song that could alienate a majority-Black player and recruit base.
Heard on the radio this AM there are whispers and rumors out there about Urban Meyer as a candidate / target.... no linky, just what I heard.

Now if Urban thought dealing with UT boosters would be a headache, just wait 'til he meets the big-time USC folks.
Meyer to USC makes no sense to me at this point. I can see why USC would want him, but not vice versa. He's had one game in the NFL! He can't hate it yet.
Just when you think sports journalism can't get any dumber this idiot comes along. Yep, it was because of a racist song that Charlie Strong sucked as a coach and TH couldn't develop talent.
To be fair to the idiot, he did say the supposedly racist booster thing could be a factor in the future. I still disagree 100% of course, but he didn't link it to Strong and Herman..
To be fair to the idiot, he did say the supposedly racist booster thing could be a factor in the future. I still disagree 100% of course, but he didn't link it to Strong and Herman..

But why write a phrase about less than 1% of people? It should read:

and in the future, it might be a desire to satisfy racist white donors, nearly all non-racist white donors, and some non-white donors (or just the vast majority of donors) by playing a song that could alienate a majority-Black player and recruit base.