Contraceptive Coverage Idiocracy

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by dheiman, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

    (This originated from an older thread)

    WARNING: If you have already had breakfast this morning, reading this article could unbalance your digestive system.

    A Georgetown law school student spoke out against the offensive policy of this religiously affiliated private school to not offer contraceptives for free to women. Grants or not don't forget this is a very expensive private law school we are talking about here.

    She offered classic testimony such as:

    "I attend a Jesuit law school that does not provide contraceptive coverage in its student health plan. And just as we students have faced financial, emotional, and medical burdens as a result
    , employees at religiously-affiliated hospitals and institutions and universities across the country have suffered similar burdens."

    "Just last week, a married female student told me that she had to stop using contraception because she and her husband just couldn’t fit it into their budget anymore"

    There's also a charming story about a friend of hers that after you finish reading you realize is a complete figment of her imagination. It's obvious once you read the testimony.

    Let me close with the fact that there are not one, not two but THREE planed parenthood locations within a block or two of campus with contraceptives for $1 and when available FREE.

    Gives me a case of the red ***! [​IMG]
  2. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    One of the most insane testimonies I've ever seen. The bar was set pretty low already. I'm willing to be a good number of people buy this load of dung, however.
  3. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

  4. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    That is really better than anything I've seen on Saturday Night Live recently. Hilarious!

    Edit: It is funny until someone elected to a position of responsibility starts to take that seriously. Then we have a huge problem. [​IMG]
  5. hooklahoma

    hooklahoma 1,000+ Posts

    Good to know she's already got her lying, hyperbole and over-dramatization skills down already. She'll make a fine tort lawyer.
  6. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

  7. hornpharmd

    hornpharmd 5,000+ Posts

    It is one of those stupid issues that people always want to make a big deal of. They want to make a big deal in this case about the government forcing certain institutions to offer contraceptive coverage. I find it funny b/c everytime the news media reports that a pharmacist refuses to fill a script for plan B or a presription to treat a patient after they have had an abortion that the pharmacist is verbally attacked. However you see these institutions repeatedly being able to refuse certain services to women based on these same beliefs. However they are not verbally attacked in this same manner. Hospitals and physicians can pick and choose which patients they will see and which services they will offer. And that is all okay with everybody. Seems to me that the institutuion should offer these services and if they have physicians or nurses that don't want to partcipate then they can simply work in a different area of the hospital or somewhere else. Those that want to offer these services and the patients that want to take advantage of these services can do so. The others can simply remove themselves from the situation.

    I certainly don't think these services should be provided for free unless the patient has health insurance and that is part of their plan. However I think those choosing to pick apart the monetary part of the issue are using that to deflect criticism in the other areas that I have pointed out.
  8. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

  9. I35

    I35 5,000+ Posts

    She mentioned a number how much it cost to pay for contraceptives per student woman per year. It came out to having sex 3 times a day for 365 days a year. Georgetown men enrollment applications just shot up 2000%. [​IMG]
  10. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  11. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    This is bizarre. Just heard a quote from the congressional debate on this, didn't hear who it was, but she said "this gives bosses the right to give employees the coverage they need."

    It's amazing the lies that people can say today that will never be challenged. I must have missed the prior restrictions where employers did NOT have the right to include contraceptive coverage, or where insurance companies were NOT allowed to offer contraceptives.

    I cannot say this enough, but it's become very clear that a substantial portion of our country is willing to say anything in order to get more free stuff.
  12. I35

    I35 5,000+ Posts

  13. Leftwith

    Leftwith 500+ Posts

    The collaboration going on between the lib politicians and the lib press to change this country into something it was never intended to be, borders on treason, IMO.

    Maybe someday we will trot their weasel asses into the streets and shave them bald, in the same way the French did with Nazi collaborators after WWII.

    They deserve it. [​IMG]
  14. gecko

    gecko 2,500+ Posts

    The testimony was stunning in its stupidity.

    If she wants to have that much sex she might as well charge for it, that way she can afford the tuition.
  15. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    gecko wins with THE perfect plan

    "If she wants to have that much sex she might as well charge for it, that way she can afford the tuition."
  16. I35

    I35 5,000+ Posts

    I think a woman that is willing to get up in front of a panel and the whole world and make statements that she did should probably have free contraceptives. I think it would be a mistake for her to reproduce.
  17. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    The other thing that's funny about this is that normally when we talk about responsibility, there's a lot of discussion about condoms and the man's responsibility, and how condoms are the only way to at least to some extent protect against STDs.

    All of a sudden now, the men have ZERO reponsibility, and if women can't "afford" contraceptive pills, then somehow the only other option is to either not have sex (oh, the horror!!) or simply take the risk and do it anyway, costing us trillions and trillions (from what we're being told) in taxpayer money.
  18. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    I35 FTW. [​IMG]
  19. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    I heard Barbara Boxer waxing eloquent on this issue on NPR last night and I'll cheerfully acknowledge that what she said about women's freedom and the need for free/low-cost contraception had no ring of truth to me. Contraception didn''t seem an overly burdensome issue when I was at UT and knew about a lot of sex going on but not a lot of pregnancies. But I wasn't the one paying for pills. Maybe all us guys aren't the intended audience for this "testimony."
  20. hornpharmd

    hornpharmd 5,000+ Posts

  21. hornpharmd

    hornpharmd 5,000+ Posts

  22. I35

    I35 5,000+ Posts

  23. DFWAg

    DFWAg 1,000+ Posts

    Her testimony had a funny turn when she waxed indignant about how

    "when you let university administrators or other employers, rather than women and their doctors, dictate whose medical needs are legitimate and whose are not, a woman's health takes a backseat to a bureaucracy that is focused on policing her body"

    She was saying this to Nancy Pelosi who was the driving force behind legislation that allowed government bureaucrats dictate whose medical needs are legitimate and whose are not. The sheer audacity (or stupidity) of the whole testimony is amazing.
  24. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    She has a great future as an attorney.
  25. Bevo Incognito

    Bevo Incognito 5,000+ Posts

    It's this year's flag burning and gay marriage.

    Meanwhile, the country is being flushed down the toilet, economically speaking.

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
  26. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet


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