Don't take my venti coffee

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by dheiman, May 31, 2012.

  1. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts


    New York City, and specifically Mayor Bloomberg, just can't help themselves. In an effort to fight obesity, all sugary drinks over 16oz will be banned.

    Yes friends, that means venti starbucks coffees like frapuccinos, big gulp drinks, slurpees and other sweet sweet tools of destruction.
  2. Horndale

    Horndale 100+ Posts

    Where does it stop?
  3. rickysrun

    rickysrun 2,500+ Posts

    Watch Weight of the Nation. Someone needs to step in.
  4. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

    16 oz of slurpee is still bad for you. We should simply ban all sugary drinks, cigarettes, alcohol, donuts, and fast food. That would make an impact in fatty's life and potentially undo some damage to his/her ever expanding waist line.

    If we all just ate soy beans and fish the world would be a better place. Better yet instead of soybeans, we can just eat soy-lent green!
  5. Perham1

    Perham1 2,500+ Posts

    It is a good thing.

    I'm puzzled by those who are against this because they don't want the govt to get involved. Do they not realize that the govt is largely responsible for this problem in the first place? No, they probably don't.
  6. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    If he really wants to address the general girth and/or ill health of New Yorkers, then he should also shut down all the bagel shops and pizza kitchens. From my recollection there are at least 2 on every corner of the city. We need to require those places to sell fresh fruits and vegetables along with some lean protein choices. This should be fun to watch.
  7. majorwhiteapples

    majorwhiteapples 5,000+ Posts

    I don't mean to correct you but, it is not all sugary drinks. Fruit Juice drinks, which have the most sugar are not banned. At least that is what I heard on the radio this morning.

    I think it is odd, the biggest Demographic that drinks Fruit Juices are African Americans, why are they ommitting Fruit Juices? Are they trying to give African Americans Diabetes? Is this a conspiracy?
  8. BrntOrngStmpeDe

    BrntOrngStmpeDe 1,000+ Posts

    The gov't shouldn't be involved in protecting me from myself.

    I make my choices about what risk I am willing to tolerate.

    What should happen is that insurers start charging massive premiums for overweight adults and kids, and even more for those considered obese. We should go back to the days when fat was considered terrible and people that are fat are thought of as having done-it-to-themselves.

    We need to get away from all of these magazines and ads telling people, "It's not your fault your fat. You've got a _____problem." (insert your favorite excuse).

    IMO, this applies to cigarettes, seat belts, alcohol, drugs and anything else where the gov't is trying to protect ME from MYSELF.
  9. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    Hate to say this, but Perham is right. We've been subsidizing the corn industry and making Nebraskans and Iowans a bunch of money in the process. The problem is that we not have high fructose corn syrup in so much of our "food" that it is killing us quite literally.
  10. Uninformed

    Uninformed 5,000+ Posts

  11. BrntOrngStmpeDe

    BrntOrngStmpeDe 1,000+ Posts

    Not conclusive by any means, but I believe the prospect of paying $300-400 more for your insurance every month would quickly motivate many of the rotund to scale back on thier own....without gov't getting involved and taking care of us all.

    And if it didn't motivate the chubby ones, then at least they are paying a more appropriate share of the eventual medical cost they will levy on the health care system.
  12. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

  13. Gone To Texas

    Gone To Texas 500+ Posts

  14. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    I think tattoos on the inside of the forearm would be a good idea. Could be read by a scanner to provide the government with all the info they need.
  15. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    How long before there are sugar drink speak easies in NYC( what would be the pass word?)
    or bootleg sugar drinks brought iin from Jersey.
  16. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

  17. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    Yeah, that's why it would be fun to watch.
  18. Leftwith

    Leftwith 500+ Posts

  19. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  20. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    White bread is terrible for you. Gotta get rid of the white bread.

    Really most of all prepackaged food is garbage. So, we really need to outlaw prepackaged food.

    Liquor stores really have to go. Nothing good in there.

    Remember that cell phones cause brain cancer, right? Those gotta go.

    Whats with all the CO2 emissions coming from New York taxis? Gotta get rid of New York Taxis that are not electric.

    Next we gotta talk about the tap water in New York.
  21. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Oh, and you can only order one slice per person. No whole pizzas - even if it's take-out, because how do we know how many people are at home waiting. For all we know you're just a greedy fat load about to eat a monster sized all by yourself.
  22. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

    Shiner you get it. Where does this end? It is undeniable that using cell phones in cars is dangerous. We should make all cars interfere/jam signals making cell phones useless while in a vehicle.

    What makes a slurpee worse than french fries? Why not outlaw french fries?

    What's to stop fatty from buying (2) 16oz sugar drinks!? Oh snap, I guess we have to track and ration drinks too.
  23. PhantomHorn

    PhantomHorn 1,000+ Posts

    The Nanny State is out of control. Time to move the Statue of Liberty to a state where there really is liberty.
  24. Bevo Incognito

    Bevo Incognito 5,000+ Posts

    Since the nanny state insists on using my tax dollars to subsidize your lifestyle choices, it should also insist that you make better choices if you are too stupid to do so for yourself.
  25. ShinerTX

    ShinerTX 1,000+ Posts

    Sure sounds like a libertarian point of view. [​IMG]
  26. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  27. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  28. dheiman

    dheiman 1,000+ Posts

  29. snow leopard27

    snow leopard27 250+ Posts

  30. Gone To Texas

    Gone To Texas 500+ Posts


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