Help Save My X-Mas Stuff!

Discussion in 'Horn Depot' started by Basil Your Face, Nov 26, 2006.

  1. Basil Your Face

    Basil Your Face 100+ Posts

    I live in Houston and we just pulled our Christmas decorations and found one crate infested with hundreds of very small, brown critters. This bastanrds can't be more than a mm or two in length and, as most of them were dead, they looked like very small pebbles or some such. The only further clue that we have now is that there were some wooden decorations that were partially eaten; saw dust fell out of one plastic bag. I thought of termites but had doubts because(1) I (through TLC) thought termites were bigger and (2) there is no damage in or around any wooden area in the garage (where the X-mas stuff was stored).* Any ideas on what these things are?

    Should I burn the house down, just to be safe?

    * We have a fake tree (b/c we actually celebrate X-mas in other cities) so we did not import some exotic flesh-eating bugs via our tree last year.
  2. DCLonghorn

    DCLonghorn 1,000+ Posts

    Exterminator is the right call. Good luck.

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