There's a phrase called Kremlinology:
Kremlinology - Wikipedia
Where in order to try to figure out what was really happening in the state controlled media Soviet Union, you had to read between the lines, and analyzed not the words in a story, but who gained and lost from that story.
Between the near total control of the media by the Democrat party, and the total control of the Federal governemet by them, you need to do the same anymore with stories in this country.
So with the "Hunter Biden is facing an indictment" story, let's look it over.
1. Who gave the story to the media? The days of hard working reporters pounding the pavement and developing sources have come and gone. Now they just sit at their desks and wait for government employees to call or email them, with a story they want to see printed. Which they do, as it serves their shared leftist interests, and they need to keep their access to the goverment employees.
This story wasn't broken via some reporter overhearing something, or having some law clerk tell them about it. The FBI or DOJ just called up the reporter and told them that H Biden stood a good chance to get indicted.
2. Why have that story line published? What purposed does it serve? Biden's has been babbling nonsense about him running for another term, in 24. Dude can't keep from looking like a complete senile old fool ever time he speaks in public and starts to wander aimlessly off the stage, or reading out the staging commands on the teleprompter: "God bless America. Smile at camera and walk away".
After the certain whipping the Democrat party is going to take next month, and him already being the oldest president ever, they want done with him. Plus him not running in 24 opens up the chance of other Democrats winning - him running in 24 delays them until 28, and it's hard for a party to win three presidential elections - only happened once since WWII, and that was Reagan pushing Bush over the liner - Biden's not pushing anything, except soft turds into his diaper.
So how do you convince the senile old fool not to run again? Easy as pie - let it be known, via stories planted in the media, that his son is at risk of being indicted, convicted, and sentenced to years in the slammer. And also let it be know that all of that can go away, if Slow Joe just shuffles his old man shuffle, into the sunset.
You can either go out the hero for beating Trump, or die with your only living son serving time in Federal prison Joe, your choice.
My prediction:
Case goes nowhere for awhile.
Early 2023 Slow Joe says he's accomplished what he set out to do, country's is back on track (yeah with 9% inflation, 7% mortgages, and in a recession), and it's time to turn things over to a new generation, blah blah.
Without much fanfare, the investigation of H Biden winds down, no charges filed, little ever said about it, just that it ended, with the media asking no questions.