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Need 3 LL for CU

Discussion in 'Swap Meet' started by TexasEd, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. TexasEd

    TexasEd 1,000+ Posts

    I need 3 LL tickets for CU
    I would like sidelines

    looking for something in the $60 range but can go higher for the right tickets.

    Taking my father who hasn't been to a game in 2 years due to health and an Iraq vet who goes back for another tour in 2 weeks who has never been to a game.

    Parking passes close to the stadium would be good too but not necessary. We can pedicab if we have to.

    I have a single in row 4 sec 131 I can trade if you are interested.
  2. TexasEd

    TexasEd 1,000+ Posts

    In in the Austin area and can meet before the game
  3. Ced4Heisman

    Ced4Heisman < 25 Posts

    PM Sent.

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