Need Caption on Pic

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by 4th_and_18, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. 4th_and_18

    4th_and_18 100+ Posts

  2. BevoJoe

    BevoJoe 10,000+ Posts

    "How do you open this here bottle?"

    LITNIN HORN 1,000+ Posts

    "What's the issue?...I AM AGGY!

  4. l00p

    l00p 10,000+ Posts

    "Why yes, size does matter."

    I know, I know.

    No Size At All.
  5. treball

    treball 100+ Posts

    which end do i start on ?
  6. Texanne

    Texanne 5,000+ Posts

    What happened to my gonads??
  7. KazooMan

    KazooMan 250+ Posts

    1. My cup runneth under, not over...

    2. My cup is definitely half empty, not half full

    3. But if I grab the other end I get that sticky tar crap on my manicured fingernails

    4. The guy in the dorm kept telling me to grab the sweet spot

    5. The bat's a -2. In my farming math class they told me that if you reverse a negative number, you get a positive. I'm 0 for March. Maybe this will work?

    6. This frigging helmet is two sizes too big, and I can't see out of it anyway. What difference does it make which way I hold the bat?

    7. Rally bat !!
  8. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    Looks like a classic "Can you help me with this?" moment.
  9. Dude

    Dude 1,000+ Posts

  10. Bevoette

    Bevoette 1,000+ Posts


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