Obama decries waste, fraud in gov't health system

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by texascoder, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. texascoder

    texascoder 1,000+ Posts

    The Link

    After more than a year of trying to pass healthcare reform, President Blamebush thinks that it might help to clean up the fraud and abuse within the current healthcare system. Bravo, you Harvard-educated genius...

    Anyone with common sense would have tried to clean this up BEFORE trying to spend more on new programs.

    I honestly can't think of a good reason why any effort to clean up fraud and abuse would need to be tied to any new healthcare reform legislation, though. It ought to be done on its own before any changes are made to the healthcare system. Seems like we could spend a few million on some supercomputers and data mining software and reap billions and billions in savings by catching the thieves and scam artists. Heck, to pay for it, we could even ask Congress to cut back a little on their 5-star travel accomodations.

    I wonder why Obama is bringing this out only now? Could it be that an initiative like this might actually strike a positive chord with his employers (us). But then again, I'm not sure why he would be interested in what the majority of Americans think now.

    Let the mudslinging begin...
  2. YoLaDu

    YoLaDu Guest

  3. MaduroUTMB

    MaduroUTMB 2,500+ Posts

  4. texascoder

    texascoder 1,000+ Posts

  5. Namewithheld

    Namewithheld 2,500+ Posts

  6. Turd of Doom

    Turd of Doom 250+ Posts

    Bravo yo. 18 minutes to get in a weird and unconnected Bush slam. Listen homeboy, Bush kinda Sucked as president. You need to go ahead and let that security blanket go & join the rest of us in 2010 where an even shitier president takes control of our lives while bankrupting the treasury 100 years into the future. Your posts are spectacularly predictable and usually irrelevant.
  7. Oilfield

    Oilfield Guest

  8. general35

    general35 5,000+ Posts

    i like how obama rails against the insurance companies and then plans to give them 350 billion a year.
  9. AustinBat

    AustinBat 2,500+ Posts

    Only until he can bankrupt them, general, and then they will go gently into the good night.

  10. YoLaDu

    YoLaDu Guest

    jeez, you guys. panties in a wad much? I agreed with the OP.

    but thanks for the kind words.
  11. AustinBat

    AustinBat 2,500+ Posts

    Yo, we love you because there are no surprises. And I'm sure you feel the same way! [​IMG]
  12. Turd of Doom

    Turd of Doom 250+ Posts

    Sorry I was a little curt. I'm just sick of the Bush red herring. We need to focus on the present.

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