Post Left Wing looniness here

That defies credulity
They voted 10 years ago to fix the problem??
How can anyone in CA vote Dem after this
Add to that how many of the homes and businesses lost had their insurance canceled?
My sister-in-law lives in Laguna Woods (apparently safe, so far) and my nephew lives in Malibu (questionable). I'm concerned for their safety.

I have family out there too. I'm definitely concerned. I wonder if this is arson? It seems too strange to have this fire and Lahaina so close together.
I'm sure Zelnsky is on his way to help out.

I heard an interview with some cop in LA that said they are reviewing vids of people committing arson in LA.
He said the number of new fires was suspicious. Arsonists are sick people so it wouldn't be surprising
Our Late President Jimmy Carter,

Was: a good man, honest--by far and away the most honest President of my lifetime, a humanitarian, a Moderate, a small town guy, a nuclear engineer, a peanut warehouseman, a Veteran, a highly intelligent man, cared more about the average person than 90% of Presidents, very good for the domestic oil & gas industry.

Was not: a left-winger, an effective President, good at foreign policy, good at adapting on-the-fly, popular with liberal Democrats, a friend of the Kennedys (Dude took down Ted Kennedy's chances at being President with one line), admired by Northeastern Democrats.

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