The Religion of Peace

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by CedarParkFan, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. CedarParkFan

    CedarParkFan 1,000+ Posts

    Religion of peace on display

    These people are still living in the 14th Century. Any doubt what the world would look like if they were in charge?

    Just a question for y'all. If a candidate running for public office was a practicing Muslim, would that influence your vote. My honest answer is yes. Whether viewed as prejudicial or not, I feel that the silence from the so-called moderate Islamic community is deafening. Sure, some speak out, but not in significant large numbers.
  2. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

    So -- a group of militant crazies took over a town and imposed their brand of 14th-century "justice" by stoning a woman to death for committing adultery. The crowd of local residents (also Muslim) refused to participate, presumably because they didn't agree with the militants.

    As I see it, this reflects poorly on the militants, not on the religion that they share with the local population.
  3. zork

    zork 2,500+ Posts

    How any female could vote for any muslim is beyond me. Maybe if they are the kind that like to be dominated? That is taking all religious beliefs out of it and just thinking how it would be under creeping Sha'ria law if the Islamic code of laws were put in place?The Link
  4. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

  5. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

  6. Roger35

    Roger35 2,500+ Posts

    In reply to:

  7. Roger35

    Roger35 2,500+ Posts

    When a Ayaan or Irshad DARE to speak against the intolerance and violence of islam, they literally have to seek physical protection. If anyone wants to watch and appreciate Ayaan's stand, she was on Huckabee, discussing a range of topics including israel. Video right here [​IMG]
  8. CedarParkFan

    CedarParkFan 1,000+ Posts

    Yes, it's the militants that Re practicing it. But, there seems to be an obvious connection to widespread violence in the name of religion in countries where the Muslim population is the overwhelming majority. My point is, why are the so called moderates not speaking out in large numbers against these types of actions as well as the action of Isis and Hamas? There is something inherently wrong within that particular religion. Of course, some will point to Christians who have been convicted of murder, etc . . . But rarely in the name of their God. It happens disproportionally in the Muslim communities.
  9. CedarParkFan

    CedarParkFan 1,000+ Posts

    I agree 35. I saw the interview. Interesting.
  10. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

  11. 314

    314 250+ Posts

    The answer is in the OP. They don't run anything because they are a joke. Look at how they live, the things they cherish, the lack of advancement.
  12. Musburger

    Musburger 500+ Posts

    From what I can ascertain, what we call radical Islam, terrorists, etc. are those Muslims that literally interpret and practice the Koran and follow the doctrine of Muhammad.

    In general, most practitioners of Islam have adapted their religion somewhat to the modern world. Where Muslims are somewhat prosperous and happy - not uncommon in many countries - there is no problem. That is, they follow a watered down version of the religion to comply with the mores common to the civilized world.

    But there are Islamic academics that teach the literal Koran and influence Muslims to follow the true word. When you have an individual that is disenchanted with life, for whatever reason (injustice, loses a job, girl friend rejects him, reads about a drone attack, etc.) its only natural to reach out for something to fill a void. Such a person is susceptible to the teachings of true Islam and is easily radicalized.

    In countries such as Saudi Arabia where you have enormously wealthy individuals who are corrupt and you have a large percentage of dirt poor Muslims, its no surprise that they cling to religion as justification for their lower status. Oh, there are exceptions such as bin Laden, who had everything but still radicalized.

    Bottom line, Islam is a dangerous religion when practiced as written. And with the world in the shape its in, its likely to only get worse.
  13. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    Would I be more suspicious of a Muslim running for office and gold him to a higher degree of scrutiny? Yes. Why? For the same reason I watched the Muhammad Atta-looking guy who was on my flight from Frankfurt to Houston on Wednesday more than I watched the other passengers. (Yes, I did leave the upper 60s temperatures of Germany to spend a month in the upper 90s temperatures of Texas, and yes, that does make me an idiot.)

    Did I assume that this passenger was a terrorist? No, but did I suspect him more than the 80 year black lady that was wearing a cross around her neck and traveling with her husband wearing a WWII veteran cap? Absolutely. In other words, I profiled on the basis of race and presumed religion, as any sane person would. When old ladies start bombing and hijacking planes, I'll start holding them to a more elevated scrutiny.

    I'd do the same with a candidate. I'd hold him to more scrutiny, but if after listening to his views, he seemed sincere and advocated positions I believed in, I'd vote for him. I've known several moderate Muslims I'd happily vote for if they were political.
  14. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Before I'd vote for anyone but probably especially a Muslin I would look at the history, past actions and swords.
    and in the back of my mind I'd remember Muslims think it is ok to lie to infidels to further the cause of islam.

    And yet I do know muslims that have always seemed to me to enjoy our way of life and values.
    But the OP is about the other many and large parts of the world where muslims are raping brutally killing Christians and jews and other mslims. It isn't just the Taliban any ,longer or even AlQ .ISIS is the largest most organiedand well funded now but it is happening in many parts of Africa and even the Phillipines.
    The list is growing as is the measures being used.,

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