Vasectomy - what to expect?

Giovanni Jones

2,500+ Posts
I'm looking into having this procedure done later this year and was wondering if anyone here had been through it. From what I've read thus far, it sounds fairly straightforward so far as medical procedures go: local anesthetic in the Dr.'s office, snip/snip, stitch/stitch, take a day or two off with an ice bag on the lap, and it will take up to 3 months for all the little guys currently in residence to exit the building.

Anything else I should be aware of?

Had it done at 9am and was back at work by 1 that afternoon. They just snipped a hole in my sack, burned the tubes and no stitches. I took some pain pills that day, no ice and next day was fine. Just avoid any contact and the pain is not bad at all.
Worst part was the pre-surgery scrub down. My nurse was Mildred Ratched and she used a wire-bristled brush and lye soap.
I guess it goes without saying that I'll need to give the affected area a good shave.

Oh well. It still sounds preferable to having my molars fitted for crowns.
I didn't get scrubbed or shaved. It was just lay back on the doctors table, some tugging and handling, sharp pinch feeling a few times, burning smell and in about 15 minutes it was all over.
No big deal. I had mine on a friday, spent Friday night and all day saturday with my feet propped up and an ice pack on the guys.

Even if you don't feel you need to, ice and rest are essential for a day or 2 afterwards. I've heard some horror stories from people who decided to go back to normal activities too soon.
I was given a local, then dry shaved, cut pulled and snipped.

My doc went to Texas and we talked football. I had a shot of crown or two at home and no reindeer games for one week.

I dont regret doing it, but it does take some of the sensation away from the big O.

your boys are swollen for a few days, kinda weird looking
My dad got a vasectomy shortly after they had me.

He said he went to the doctor. The doctor said "What's the capitol of Thailand?"

Dad said "Bangkok," and the doctor hit him in the junk really, really hard.
If you are in austin, the man to see is Dr. Phillips at Capitol Urology.

Also, you want to shave yourself in advance, or alternatively, have your junk waxed and get a runway.
I've always heard to get it done on a Friday during football season so that you have a built-in excuse for sitting on the couch and watching football all weekend.
Although, the NCAA b-ball tournament is coming up, so that would be a good time too.
Complications from surgery:
For me an internal hematoma the size of a golf ball in my nut sack and pain for about 6 weeks. Internal discomfort in the mentioned area for about 12 months.

However, for you I'm sure there's nothing to worry about...
Really? sex not so fun? I've always wondered if it would affect it. Seems like just the psychology would be weird.

Seriously though-- why did those of you who've gotten one go that route? I know there's risks w/ the pill/ birth control.... but there's risks, (as per golf ball nutz...sorry, don't remember names...) with surgery too... maybe more so.
Nothing changed for me other than I don't have to trust anyone or anything else to prevent an increase in the size of my family.
Sure you do Cana. You have to trust your wife to not cat around with fertile men.

Just kidding, of course.

Seriously, I've had it done and in contrast to an earlier poster, have noticed no difference in sexual performance or the pleasure derived therefrom. And as for Smurfette's question about the psychology getting weird, well, let's just say a true sense of freedom exists when you KNOW nobody's getting knocked up. That 1% difference between the 99% effectiveness of the pill and the 100% effectiveness of a vasectomy is truly huge.
What he said. I am stoked about getting one this year. Even if a gal is on the pill there is a lot to worry about that I cannot control. She could forget to take the pill, she could not take it the same time, lots of things. It does not mean I can sleep with anybody and not take the same precautions for catching something. It means I don't have to worry if they took their pill or not.

I would hope she chooses to still take something but it is not a stress point now. I have dated girls in the past that the pill really messed with their bodies. If I am with one in the future she can relax and not have to mess herself up. She can take a smaller dose to regulate her period but not get all tweaky.

I will be getting myself checked regularly to make sure my count iis where it should be. I want to be as proactive as I can be. I do not want a kid no matter what, ever.
Look at the football schedule next fall and pick a weekend with good games. Have it done on Friday, then spend the weekend on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on your nuts, a cooler of beer by your side and a jar of pain pills.

Send the wife and kids out for the day on Saturday and enjoy yourself to some peace and ******* quiet.

It was a great weekend for me. Hell, I'm thinking about having another one, just to make sure the first one took.

PS: be very judicious with the ice packs/frozen peas on the nuts. I couldn't imagine going back to work after having it done.
Well, it's done. Was a bit sore and tender Thursday night, but feeling much better today. (The prescription of Propox to handle the pain helps a lot.)

Anecdotal evidence that more men are having this procedure:

In reply to:

I had it done. I'm quite likely the biggest ***** that you cats have ever met, and it was EASY.

No pain.

10 minutes of discomfort during the procedure.

No side-affects.

Easy recovery.

No change to sex life whatsoever.
I haven't been there, but my bud says that when you go in, they give you Field & Stream to occupy you. When you get to Recovery, they give you Elle. I'm just sayin'...
Did it. Recovery was pretty easy, and yes I did it on a Friday in football season.

Worts part was the local anaesthesia. Two shots right into the scrotum. Consider general ana if you dont like shots.

Experienced some mild discomfort for about 2 months, but it could have been psycosomatic.

All fine now.

Do NOT FORGET to give post-op samples. I know a guy who didn't do this and guess what? The operation didnt work and now he has a 4th kid.
I had this done 6 or 7 years ago. Unfortunately, I live in a rural area and the drive back was over an hour. The local wore off about 15 minutes from home and I felt every little bump on the way home, and it's quite bumpy here.

As for shaving, I guess this office has a special dude that does it, and he is this large black man that liked to tell a lot of jokes. Fortunately, the Dr had given me a shot of something before he arrived and I was completely out of it. As for long lasting effects, my left testicle is a lot more sensitive and it doesn't take much force to make me buckle at the knees.

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