Ahhh yes, what could make this morning better?

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by ProdigalHorn, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    The dulcet tones of Sean McDonnough doing play by play.

    Maybe if I sit on a cheese grater for the rest of the game I'll be distracted. :brickwall:
  2. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

  3. humahuma

    humahuma 1,000+ Posts

    How did the cheese grater work for you Prod? I may try that next week, what I did didn't work.
  4. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    As it happened, the pain of the actual game helped to numb the pain from the announcers. Plus, I sort of stopped paying attention to them.

    But I will say this: is Chris Spielman the single least energetic, least compelling, least interesting color commentator on TV? It's weird because I usually complain about announcers being too loud, obnoxious and abrasive, but with Chris, it's like he's sitting around a table in the library discussing ideas for a senior thesis, with the librarian glaring at him to "keep it down".

    I wasn't very interested in the specifics of the game, once it spiraled out of control, so I don't know whether Sean did his typical job of embarrassing himself by obsessing over irrelevant details, missing calls on the field and generally not understanding how football is played.

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