Hollywood Opens Wallet for Wendy

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Clean, May 16, 2014.

  1. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    Apparently Davis campaign financing isn't going as well as expected here in Texas. A lot of it comes from national Democratic PACs and now Hollywood Lefties.

    Remind me to never see another Spielberg movie.

  2. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    I would think her muddle mangled stands and history would be questioned even by the Hollywood liberals but maybe all they see is the D by her name.
  3. chango

    chango 2,500+ Posts

    If they can't see that Wendy breathes through her nose and her knuckles don't touch the ground when she walks -- let 'em waste their lib money..

    Clean, not sure if you are a Star Wars fan or not - but you now officially can't watch any of the new movies (JJ Abrams)
  4. pasotex

    pasotex 2,500+ Posts

    aggie be so proud of these boycotts

  5. texas_ex2000

    texas_ex2000 2,500+ Posts

    Well...raising money from liberal Hollywood elites in California certainly seems like a winning political strategy in Texas.

    I guess destroying their own state isn't enough for them.
  6. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    It puzzles me that rich Jews like Spielberg, Abrams, & Katzenberg always support the Left when so much of the Left hates them..

    We've never had worse relations with Israel than under Lefty Obama.
  7. dillohorn

    dillohorn Guest

    The gene pool in Hollywood has ben depleted for a long, long time.
  8. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

  9. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    that is some pretty muddled thinking there. They don't hate God---they don't think He exists; what they do hate is people who try to limit how other people live their lives based on their own religion, especially when their own religion is based more on Leviticus than on the Gospels.

    As for Jews and Israel and Obama, if you pay attention to the political debates in Israel or the debates among Jewish intellectuals in the US, you would know that there is a huge disagreement about what Israel should be doing and a large number of the more liberal Jews here and in Israel think Netanyahu is up there with Dick Cheney in terms of being shortsighted and over agressive.

    I have, over the years, come around a bit in terms of seeing Netanyahu's point of view but his constant attempts to get the US to attack Iran for him are viewed by some Jews as dangerous for Israel and the US as well.

    As for Abortion Barbie, she was trying to stop a dishonest gambit to limit access to abortions that was clothed as an attempt to provide safer ones. THe people who promoted the bill she tried to filibuster were not interested in the least in providing safer abortion procedures----they want to stop them altogether.

    She caught my eye a few years ago when she filibustered a bill that gutted the education budget for the state. That was likewise unsuccessful.

    I don't have much use for her or any other Ivy League candidate but I've worked on enough campaigns to know you go raise cash where the money is. If you want a good look at TExans raising money for Texas races in out of the way places, take a look at where DeLay was getting his money from.
  10. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    They're also not thrilled about RP going out there letting businesses know when they are sick of being screwed they can come to Texas. They don't want another Rick in office doing the same.
  11. HornHuskerDad

    HornHuskerDad 5,000+ Posts

  12. dillohorn

    dillohorn Guest

    or another Reynosa.
  13. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    re Rick's recruiting efforts: I grew up rural in the 50s and am real ambivalent about more people coming here. We have had declining amounts of water since the last ice age-----rivers and creeks that were flowing year round when the first anglos showed up are dead or dying now and we invite millions more to come?

    Plus, the elbow room that was always a great thing about our state is disappearing. Growth is good but how much is too much? Dallas and Houston have their little tiff about which is greatest and I enjoy visiting both but where does the sprawl end and how many more highways do we get to build to move the ants around?
  14. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts


    Would you also take issue with the 'R' candidate taking money from the Koch brothers who live in Manhattan, NY. I'm trying to understand if your issue is with the out-of-state money or simply that she's taking money from a class of people that think differently than you do.

    I doubt this candidate is trying to court your vote. In fact, absent an 'R' next to her name, I doubt there is anything she could do or say to garner your vote based on your posting history here.
  15. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    I think the comment was about the surprise of Hollywood giving here more than who she's taking from.
  16. Roger

    Roger 1,000+ Posts

  17. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

  18. CanaTigers

    CanaTigers 2,500+ Posts

  19. NJlonghorn

    NJlonghorn 2,500+ Posts

  20. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

  21. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    Texas was run a lot more efficiently when it was run by conservative democrats who had to genuflect to their liberal brethren on occasion. NOw it is run by conservative republicans who have to bow to snake handlers and survivalists.

    Go Blue.
  22. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    Really? Is that why Texas is just about the only state doing well? Look at the liberally run states and tell me how they are doing.
  23. dillohorn

    dillohorn Guest

    huis............simply not true.
  24. pasotex

    pasotex 2,500+ Posts

    Texas is the only state doing well?

  25. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

  26. huisache

    huisache 2,500+ Posts

    "oil well" is well; we have lots of them and that is one of the main reasons we are doing well. That and the fact that our public employee pensions are not totally unfunded.

    We are falling behind the curve in infrastructure and water. It is a semi arid state and we keep doubling our population every few decades. And the highways are not quite as bad as Pennsylvania, but they are on their way.

    But our genius legislature and executive branches and have put a constitutional amendment on the ballot for November which provides for about a third of what our highway guys say we need.

    Get ready for worse.

    We will still lead the country is mindless bragging.
  27. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    It starts with employment. 3% unemployment in Austin and there's not an oil well to be seen. Infrastructure issues here are due to the damned liberals pushing bike lanes and $1.4 billion for a two mile train that wont take one car off the road instead of more car lanes which are blocked every time it comes up.

    As for the rest of the state I know we are not in debt, aren't bankrupt like other liberal states and overall unemployment is low with citizens not being taxed to death. I'm sure there are issues, but we are much better off than the rest of the country.
  28. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Thanks for the response, Vol Horn 4 life. The Austin area is running at 4.5% unemployment but that is still good. Here's a link:The Link

    There are some serious problems with some liberal states. Of course, there are just as many problems with conservative states. Here is a what appears to be a decent sit on government spending:The Link Notice they combine state/local spending which I think gives a more appropriate gauge on "local" debt. Texas (and it's local municipalities) is carrying a lot more debt than you realize. Growth has been very good albeit I'd be curious of the income distribution if that was possible. When looking at the broad picture of Local with State debt the gap between Texas and California isn't as broad as you'd think.
  29. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    The unemployment numbers on the link are from March. I'm going off a talk radio number from last week saying 3.7% or 3.8%. All of the debt must be local govt spending since by state constitution we can't run a debt. I'd bet half the debt is the city of Austin and their stupid spending habits. The citizens will approve a bond for any and everything.

    200 mil on a useless library and 800 mil on the train to Leander are a billion to accomplish absolutely nothing. 20 mil on a bike rental program. Geez this city is out of touch.
  30. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts


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