Thanks Stubblefield?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by tejas77, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. tejas77

    tejas77 1,000+ Posts

    I missed the game but I'm watching the highlights on LHN. They are repeatedly pointing out that after the game last night, Stubblefield turned towards the Longhorn bench and emphatically did the horns down sign. That may explain why after tonight's game, the Texas players were throwing up their horns emphatically towards the aggy bench.
  2. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    Typical aggy, celebrating winning a battle then losing the war. They never change. Good comedic value, though. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. 93ex

    93ex 100+ Posts

    yeah what a bunch of dumbasses...LOL! [​IMG]
  4. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    saw that clip - thanks for the extra incentive Stubby! [​IMG]
  5. Endust

    Endust 500+ Posts

    way too much **** talking this weekend. parker french needs to cool his jets.
  6. OrangeShogun

    OrangeShogun 500+ Posts

  7. seb44

    seb44 250+ Posts

    Sit Down *****
    Parker French after aggie strike out in 5th inning.

    I loved it [​IMG]
  8. NBHorn7

    NBHorn7 Pimp Daddy

  9. Horn2Run

    Horn2Run 1,000+ Posts

    I can't blame retards that do the Horns down sign too much. It's a heat of the battle thing. What made it sweet was, the D Bag had to watch his boys get shut down the following nite, negating his moment of retarded emotional feel good moment.

    Poor *****, has to watch us play on. Hope he feels better!
  10. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    Way, way better than bulletin board material. We should send the guy an official team thank-you card.
    We should buy him a ticket right behind our bench so the Horns would stay fired up for the super regional.
    We could have a statue made of him and place it in the locker room.
  11. Brad Austin

    Brad Austin 2,500+ Posts

    Watching that 2nd Aggy game I thought we looked unfocused and almost lifeless. Our play was sloppy garbage most of game. I texted it in the early going saying we forgot to show up and would be in trouble. The Ag energy and determination was clearly superior and it showed in the win column. Instead of allowing Texas to start contemplating another collapse like last weekend, and Ags maintaining momentum, ******** taunts them in the worst way and wakes them up like a snort of blow.

    I guarantee this changed the mindset for the last game. Sure they wanted to win badly, but wanting to and feeling you must break your back to is another thing. Doubt could have crept in again as Ags took the early lead in last game. Instead there were a group of guys fuming with nothing on their minds but ***** slapping the disrespectful punks who pissed on their honor even after defeating them.

    "Let sleeping dogs lie" isn't just a saying to be cute. In sports it has real meaning. Shutting down an opponent creates doubt going forward. However, having him on the ropes, then punching him in the nuts and calling his mother a ____ is a whole other animal. The guy that wasn't on top of his game is now giving every ounce of his being to regroup and make you his *****. That simple.
  12. Das Mook

    Das Mook 250+ Posts

    "Horns up" = we are supporting our team and school (positive).

    "Horns down" = we are disparaging your team and school (clearly taunting and should be penalty in football and basketball)

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