Greenpeace co-founder calls for rationality

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by ProdigalHorn, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  2. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Heresy! He must be burned! And flayed!
  3. dalhorn1

    dalhorn1 1,000+ Posts

    This Dr. Moore is a blatant TP'er/Bircher, with nothing better to do than spew his racism upon the rest of us!!
  4. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    Dr. Moore was an ecology major in school who runs a PR firm shilling for the most blatant polluters and clear-cutters on the planet. I submit he know less about climate science than Mop and yet still handsomely profits from his early career work as an environmentalist. "Co-founder of Greenpeace" is a credential that probably adds $300 an hour to the fees he gets advocating on behalf of polluters.
  5. dalhorn1

    dalhorn1 1,000+ Posts

    Heck, he sounds light years more educated about the subject than Al Gore.
    I don't claim I know even a grain of knowledge on the topic myself. However, I know enough about science and logic to take the "science is settled" comments as skeptical and half-true.

    Years ago, there were scientists and engineers that told us about "peak oil", and how the world would simply run dry before the 90's were done. They said the science was "settled" then, too.

    Combine that with the climate data that continually seems to be warped/fudged/made up, and it makes the lock-step global warming crowd look as silly as the ardent science deniers. Separate ends of the same rope.
  6. Third Coast

    Third Coast 10,000+ Posts

    I haven't made up my mind regarding the climate change issue, but the winters do seem to be getting milder and I am concerned about man's propensity to destroy this planet by one means, or another. Concerned for our children and our children's children and so on.

    Having said that I must confess that I still drive a Dodge pickup that gets about 12 mpg downhill.

    I don't know a lot about this Dr. Moore, or the validity of his claims, but I have seen the terms "sellout" and "corporate lobbyist" associated with his name on more than one occasion.
  7. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  8. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    It's not being a sellout to have your positions evolve or leave an organization that is not going the direction you want to go. It is being a sellout if you use your status as a former environmental leader to, for pay, advocate on behalf of ruthless polluters. Dr Moore, by no means an academic expert in climate science, is entitled to his opinion on climate science. It's just funny that he's taken seriously.

    Hell I'm sure there are people who think tree stumps are prettier than forests, that the only good coral is a dead coral and acidification of the oceans is just a way to clear out pesky wildlife. Hey, wouldn't it be nice to have oceanfront property in Arizona? I you can advocate for that and get paid .... marvelous. At least he didn't sell out cheap.
  9. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

  10. mop

    mop 2,500+ Posts

    he seems pretty solid to me. the worst thing i can see is claims he helped an Indonesian logging firm justify their clear cutting practice. he denies this. apart from that, he seems like he has a solid environmental record:

    Wikipedia article
  11. zork

    zork 2,500+ Posts

    Rationality on the topic is clearly needed. Objective Science is needed with less funding on whether warming or cooling is happening with a shift in funding to prevention whether the grave problem to come is cooling or heating related.

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