Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Chop, Feb 28, 2023.

  1. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    So perfect, Chop. Now I feel compelled to carry an Ace of Diamonds card in my wallet to every home game, on the off chance I might get Ace Whitehead sign it.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts


    The KSU series busted up LBJ and Ace's ERA a bit. But Grubbs now looks like a real "Ace" of the staff at this point. I remember that interview with All-American pitcher Lucas Gordon late last year. Gordon was asked about who to watch among the young pitchers and he said (paraphrased): 'Max Grubbs, he's really good, he will get you a lot of ground balls, he's like having another Tristan Stevens.'

    Ace W.............3.29............0.91.............27.1

    Not a bad looking starting 3.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  3. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts



    Boehm is the real deal. DuPlantier is doing quite well this year, provided he only faces 4-6 batters per game. Tumis has shown flashes of greatness.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
  4. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts


    Relievers with WHIP <= 1.50


    These are the guys to rely on for relief pitching down the stretch.
  5. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    LBJ was dealin’ against TCU.
    If we get more of that, we could go very far. Grubbs and Whitehead are getting it done.

    Overall, I would not call our bullpen strong, but the six guys I listed above with WHIPs below 1.50 are good enough to get the job done. With Boehm, and usually Dre, performing very well.
  6. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    After the 2 WPs early, yes.

    Time to cut down to your core guys you can trust and let everyone else compete for Tuesday night playing time. This goes for pitching and for offense.
    • Hot Hot x 1
  7. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Shaw bounced back from some crappy appearances to throw a really good inning on Tuesday.

    After his injury and recovery, he might be a guy to limit to one inning, maybe two. Like DuPlantier.

    We need Shaw and DuPlantier to be on top of their games. The bullpen can't be just Boehm + a bunch of chumps (and it's not).

    I also like what I've seen from Lummus this year. He's been solidly reliable. Sort of like having an Ace Whitehead protege in the bullpen.

    As of 5/1: Lummus --- 1.32 WHIP......2.84 ERA......19.0 IP.......0.209 Opponents' Bat. Avg. against him.

    Lummus' one drawback is that he's walking a few more batters than you'd like to see, but nothing like some of our pitchers.
  8. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Tumis now has 25.1 innings under his belt and is posting a good WHIP (well under the 1.50 dividing line), and a very solid strike out to walk ratio.

  9. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

    Could't agree with this more. Time to bench those guys who aren't helping win the series. No more Tuesday games left, anyone that can't help win should be SOL.

    I half way expect that Boehm is going to get the call to start a game if not soon we will see a surprise call in the playoffs. LBJ has been too inconsistent, it's killing us. The confidence won't be there in a win or go home game. We have to get 5-6 innings out of our starters and NOW! Build some confidence with more defined roles for the relievers.

    If Pierce makes the lineup similar to Sunday/Tuesday, Grubbs has a better chance of winning his games (all starters would). Kennedy in the 2 hole with Brown in the same lineup killed our offense against TCU. Having Brown, O'Dowd and Kennedy in the same lineup killed our offense against Houston on Friday. Defense killed us against OU (nothing to do with making out the lineup).

    Guess we will see what happens against OSU. Maybe we finally put it all together this weekend and sweep OSU. This team is still capable.
    • Like Like x 2
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  10. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    At UCF, LBJ was really good...until he wasn't.
  11. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    For a 3 game series--KU, the Big 12 Tournament, the Regional, or the Supers (Regional could be 4 games):

    Starters: Grubbs, Whitehead, LBJ

    Relievers: Right now we have about 5 relievers we can generally trust. In order:


    Game 1 relievers: Boehm (1, 2, or 3 inninngs) , DuPlantier (1-2 innings); Lummus or O'Hara (only if more innings are needed)
    Game 2 relievers: O'Hara, Lummus, Tumis
    Game 3 relievers: Boehm (1, 2, or 3 innings), DuPlantier (1 inning), whomever hasn't thrown much that weekend among O'Hara, Lummus, Tumis

    If we're blowing a team out (6+ run lead) then Hurley or Tole can eat innings. If we run out of pitchers, Hudson Hamilton has very nasty stuff, but his pitcher's mind doesn't seem to be at this level just yet (he's a very bright prospect for next year and the year after--think Grubbs last year). Shaw can be tried for a single inning, but with a very short leash--he's struggling since his injury last year.
    Last edited: May 13, 2024
  12. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    If we go 4 games in a Regional, that's where Tole and Hurley have to get in there and do the best they can for as many innings as they can last without getting shelled too badly. The other team will be in the same predicament, so it could be a 12-10 sort of game.
  13. RS

    RS 25+ Posts

    I am not sure LBJ can be trusted anymore. His season ERA is now just over 6 and his conference ERA is 8.58. In conference teams are batting 327 against him and his WHIP is over 2. In his last 3 starts he has only made it through a total of 11.1 innings and has given up 19 hits, 13 earned runs, walked 7, and 3 homeruns.
  14. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Hurley came out of nowhere to pitch an excellent game vs. Kansas. Let's hope he's got it all together now, and was just farting around for the first 5/6 of the year.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Cross-posted in the Kansas Series thread:

    And don't forget Max Grubbs, who once again pitched very well (about half the game, only surrendering 1 run) with little run support.

    Grubbs' Cumulative 2024 stats:
    3.53 ERA
    1.31 WHIP
    64.0 Innings Pitched
    not too shabby

    The Groundout King
  16. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    He has come through and over-performed this year.

  17. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  18. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  19. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    I like Lyons' semi-sidearm delivery. It's a tricky change to bring in a reliever who throws like this. It can take batters a run through the lineup to adjust to this.
  20. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Jason Flores has some upper-D1 level sauce on his breaker.

    Levi Sterling - could be another Grubbs with that sinking action. Probably throws with more velocity too.
  21. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Matthew Millet

    in district play:

    27.2 innings
    41 strikeouts
    9 hits

    playing in the Mansfield-Arlington-Grand Prairie area against some good competition.

    He may have a decision to make - MLB lower rounds vs. college...?

    Know this lads, if you use UT as your minor league training ground, you get really good food, good accommodations, and you're surrounded by gorgeous, high-class co-eds who really want to get to know you. And you get a World-class education in case a big-league $$$$$ career doesn't pan out (and for 98% of high-school draftees, it doesn't).

    If you go minor league, you eat cold hot dogs on the road, sleep in roach motels, and have some recently divorced disease-ridden lizards for team groupies. Real truck stop material. And when you're cut, they throw you out in the cold on your *** with no education.
    Last edited: May 19, 2024
  22. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    I know many of y'all are disappointed in this team this year, and I agree that we did not live up to pre-season predictions. I think it's important to remember, tho, that a *key* component of the team that was picked much higher than we finished was Tanner Witt. Not only did he not perform as we had hoped, he is not playing at all now and has not since mid-way thru the season. Just that alone is a big ding to this team living up to expectations.
  23. RS

    RS 25+ Posts

    Very true. Plus, LBJ had a very down year overall, pitching well about every 3rd game or so and not so well in between. Very inconsistent. If Witt and LBJ had both been available and pitched up to expectations things would have been a lot different for the pitching staff as far as starters to.

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