MSNBC is as bad as fox news

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by notreally, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. notreally

    notreally 1,000+ Posts

    it is embarrassing. i mean, they have been a liberal outlet for some time now, but i could barely watch last night. it is shameful. just as fox news is shameful. i finally switched to cnn (anderson 360) and he was railing on Palin. are there any objective media outlets on TV now?

    it seems like this election has made it much worse. the cable outlets are so partisan it is almost impossible for an independent to listen objectively without going to bbc.

    but, i still love chris matthews. like him. like his show.
  2. Oilfield

    Oilfield Guest

    Last sentence sure doesn't jive with the rest of your post.
  3. Gone To Texas

    Gone To Texas 500+ Posts

  4. notreally

    notreally 1,000+ Posts

    i realize he is a liberal guy. i just like him, the guy, don't necessarily agree with him all the time.
  5. Hayden_Horn

    Hayden_Horn 1,000+ Posts

    to be fair, palin deserves to be railed. on.
  6. Nordberg

    Nordberg 1,000+ Posts

    MSNBC has actually passed Fox on the Bias Meter, which is really saying something. Olberman and Rachel Maddow should be Daily Show correspondants, not hosting actual "news" programs.
  7. TexasGolf

    TexasGolf 2,500+ Posts

    MSNBC = BHO campaign headquarters.

    Fox is not near as bad as MSNBC's constant McCain and Palin bashing.

  8. Nuclear Bear

    Nuclear Bear 1,000+ Posts

    I agree with the OP.

    I was watching MSNBC the other night and I had to change it because I really felt that if I kept watching I would turn into one of those idiots you see on Texags that beleive their party can do no wrong.
  9. washparkhorn

    washparkhorn 2,500+ Posts

  10. Whitman Mayo

    Whitman Mayo 500+ Posts

    So the only way the news can be unbiased is to say Palin is a wonderful pick and has performed well the last week.

    Bias = saying anything critical about the team I root for.
  11. HornsHornsHorns

    HornsHornsHorns 500+ Posts

  12. RyanUTAustin

    RyanUTAustin 1,000+ Posts

  13. Dr Fear

    Dr Fear 500+ Posts

    CNN leans left but they are closest to the middle of the news nets. I like watching Fox for the utter ridiculousness that O'Reilly and Hannity constantly spew. (For the record, I think O'Reily is much better than Hannity, but he still goes off the reservation at least a few times a show.
  14. crizistre

    crizistre 500+ Posts

    CNN being the most 'down the middle' network is REALLY a stretch.
  15. blueglasshorse

    blueglasshorse 1,000+ Posts

    I agree with the title of this thread.
  16. HornBud

    HornBud 2,500+ Posts

    It's a shame that the best way to get a clear picture of what's going on in the US is to watch foreign news.

    And yes, there is nothing biased about railing on Palin, she is completely over her head and an embarrassment to the US as a Veep.
  17. YoLaDu

    YoLaDu Guest

    Wow, another network has finally gotten "as bad as FoxNews".

    So, all these years of defending FoxNews as "fair and balanced" was just a farce?
  18. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    Any unbiased news coverage about Palin should feature ridicule of her.
  19. BA93

    BA93 1,000+ Posts

  20. Whitman Mayo

    Whitman Mayo 500+ Posts

    That link is fantastic. It's split. ROTFLMAO.

  21. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    FoxNews and MSNBC are the bookends to the R-D political spectrum. The latter moved far to the left after taking a bath in the ratings from the former.

    CNN actually tries to be in the center and they are doing a pretty good job of it this election. Do they rail on Palin? Yes because as of recently she most certainly deserves it.

    PBS and NPR have offered the most even handed news coverage of this election so far. More people should watch/listen and contribute to their effort. They put out some very good coverage.
  22. THEU

    THEU 2,500+ Posts

    I know many on here say that fox news is conservative or right, but I just don't get that. I am not here to defend fox news, I think for the most part it is awful. To me it is just mainly oversensationalised crap to try to catch the eye. Fox has many tawdry and over sexualised stories that don't seem to shout 'conservative' to me.
    There are a couple of shows on FOX that I like. 2 to be exact. Cavuto and Brit Hume. I like Cavuto as long as he stays on the business front. I actually do believe he is a pretty good business anchor. I like Brit when he does the panel with a spectrum of people. I like when Juan Willaims, Mara Laiason (Sp?), and Fred Barnes or Charles Krauthaumer are on. Those are certainly a spectrum of views, but they usually have a nice civil discourse on various points of the topic at hand.

    Anything at night on Fox News is so awful I don't know how it is on tv. O'Reily is a moron, and the Hannity Colmes thing is just amazing to see how set up and trite it is. And I can't stand the plastic face lady, Greta.

    Fox News is just bad. I will also say that for those who are religious, all of the major news networks, especially those that try to hardest to be 'objective' are all wrong. They are all wrong because they are trying to be as secular as possible. Many people don't want to hear that religious viewpoint espoused.
  23. mackfan1

    mackfan1 1,000+ Posts

    Though both Keith Olbermann & Rachel Maddow have a leftist slant, they conduct interviews with Democratic and Republican officials. They also have contributors from both the right and left.

    Fox News is strictly right-wing. There is neither fairness nor balance.
  24. Back to Texas

    Back to Texas 250+ Posts

    Are we really saying a station that gives Lou Dobbs a show is middle of road?

    I like to watch all the networks. They all come with a perspective and axe to grind and/or an audience to pander to. CNN is much more subtle with its bias, but if you watch their starting point and assumptions there is a definitive bias in both its reporting and its opinion. I agree that Wolf is probably the most centered person around, but even he can go off.

    Often times, I enjoy watching guys like Olberman and Hannity (I don't do O'Reailly) tie themselves in knots trying to prove their point. You know exactly where they are coming from and what they want you to think, but they do so inarticulately (like many on this board who are partisan hacks with no original thoughts of their own).

    You pretty have to rely on a handful of print media to get well thought out and well conceived content. The networks just don't do well conceived.
  25. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

    I'm watching MSNBC. Where is Keith?
  26. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  27. notreally

    notreally 1,000+ Posts

    i will give msnbc credit for one thing, pat buchanan. fox news has no better that hardcore liberal on there team.
  28. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  29. softlynow

    softlynow 1,000+ Posts

    I used to tune in to MSNBC just to hear Buchanan, who I think has a fairly unique viewpoint, and an uncanny way to cut through some of the ********. I don't agree with him all the time, but I can almost always see where he's going, and that he has a deep intellectual basis for his views and judgments of the various issues and electoral races.

    But lately MSNBC lost me. I'm OK with FoxN being right-wing, it's the style that bothered me. MSNBC began to mimic that style, and that was the end of that. I stick to electronic/print media now, with a bit of Lehrer Newshour when I'm home at that time. I've watched CNN for the debates, though I haven't bothered with the postmortem analysis.
  30. midwayhorn

    midwayhorn 100+ Posts

    Must Suck Nightly Barack's Cock

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