Video: McCain says ACORN 'makes America special'

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by groverat, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    John McCain speaking at an ACORN rally in 2006.
    And I quote the good senator: "What makes America special is what's in this room tonight."

    Anyone else find McCain's wild attacks on ACORN to be astoundingly desperate and hypocritical?

    Why has McCain spun a 180 on ACORN? Is that just what a MAVERICK does?
  2. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

    So I'm to vote against a guy that used ACORN to push one issue and for for a guy that is a trojan horse for the entire ACORN agenda?
  3. Mr.Wizard

    Mr.Wizard 1,000+ Posts

    The Link

    I will match your Jr. High School antics Grove.
  4. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    The "entire ACORN agenda"?

    What kind of paranoid conspiracy garbage are you peddling?
  5. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

    Wow. defensive are we?

    I thought you would be supportive of ACORN and Obama's promotion of their goals.
  6. Oilfield

    Oilfield Guest

    What "wild attacks" did McCain make on ACORN? He should have been hammering this issue much earlier in the game.
    His playing nice is a losing proposition.
  7. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    What are ACORN's goals? To make sure Americans are registered to vote?

    I fully support that goal. And John McCain did, too, until he needed to court an anti-immigrant base.
  8. Summerof79

    Summerof79 2,500+ Posts

    Acorn is a completely meaningless issue for both sides. But hell if the ding dog email talking points GOP folks are going to regurgitate the same crap over and over some of the Dems ought to have a little fun with this silliness.
  9. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    Exactly. ACORN is a complete non-issue, but the Republicans are so desperate right now they'll throw anything they can out there and pretend it's some terrible outrage.
  10. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  11. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    Why do you avoid simple questions? Is it cowardice or something else?
  12. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  13. groverat

    groverat 2,500+ Posts

    I think their goal is to register people to vote.
    What do you
    think their goal is?

    And furthermore, do you think McCain supports this secret goal you apparently don't want to talk about?
  14. TexonLongIsland

    TexonLongIsland 2,500+ Posts

  15. Horn69

    Horn69 2,500+ Posts

    And what's Obama's history with ACORN that he's supposed to be ashamed of? 13 years ago he was an attorney representing ACORN and his partner was the DOJ as they were trying to get the State of Illinois to enforce the Motor Voter Law. More scattershooting by Fox News trying hoping something will stick.

    Hook'em!!! [​IMG]

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