Restoring deleted files?

Discussion in 'Horn Depot' started by free=good, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. free=good

    free=good 100+ Posts

    A former employee may have had some shadiness going on so we check her computer to see if there are any incriminating emails and she's pretty much wiped out the archives....Nothing between 6 months ago and now is on her computer (that I can find).

    I've heard that even when you delete some stuff it still exists somewhere on the computer - how do I get to that stuff?
  2. HornBud

    HornBud 2,500+ Posts

    She can wipe out her desktop all she wants, but those emails still reside on servers where they were bounced off of. An entire cottage industry has cropped up just for such an occasion. They'll come out to your site, investigate the network, and find everything that's there, but be prepared to find out a whole lot you didn't want to know about the people that work for you.
  3. free=good

    free=good 100+ Posts

    I just spoke with the service provider and they say they don't have it...

    I'd love to know more about this person. My company acquired this company and she left soon after. We know that she was working against us because clients have told us this but it would be nice to have written proof. Since she wiped her computer out I'm guessing we would if I could get the archives back.
  4. shorty

    shorty 250+ Posts

    free=good, there are people who do this for a living. It will cost you because they do not do it for free.
  5. CaptainEd

    CaptainEd 1,000+ Posts

    i used to have a customer in austin called RenewData - i think that's what they do. might start by checking them out.
  6. kmac30

    kmac30 500+ Posts

    The Link is in austin and they do a great job.

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