Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall

Discussion in 'Esther's Follies' started by Longhorny630, May 20, 2009.

  1. Longhorny630

    Longhorny630 1,000+ Posts

  2. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    Perry finally does something useful! About time this happened.
  3. Nordberg

    Nordberg 1,000+ Posts

  4. SunBurntOrange

    SunBurntOrange 500+ Posts

    Love the part about the sniper tower overlooking Oklahoma.
  5. Orange&White

    Orange&White 1,000+ Posts

    Go back to Seattle. Or whatever you call it.
  6. A. BETTIK

    A. BETTIK 1,000+ Posts

    Now, just substitute 'illegal alien Mexican' and 'Mexico' in there for references to American and America and include the wall along the Rio Grande and this would be excellent even if prohibitively expensive.
  7. The Creature

    The Creature 100+ Posts

    I'm all for it.

    I'm sick of Californians moving here and raising my cost of living. Not to mention subsidies for their Neiman Marcus malls. That, and I'm sick of hearing about Carl's Jr. and the In-and-Out Burger from my foreign co-workers. Go to Whataburger like a real Texan, for crissakes! [​IMG]

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