South Park 10/28

Discussion in 'Cactus Cafe' started by TheNewGuy, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. TheNewGuy

    TheNewGuy 100+ Posts

    Pa-pa-pa-pa-poker face Pa-pa-poker face

    F*ck you dolphin, f*ck you whale!
  2. Longhorny630

    Longhorny630 1,000+ Posts

    Eh, it was ok. The 'pick a tv show and make fun of it' plotlines were funny at first (Go with Christ, bra) but are starting to get tired
  3. TexasRx

    TexasRx 500+ Posts

    Not really believable... those Orca would have eaten the Japanese. Kinda like sushi but the other way around. [​IMG]
  4. notreally

    notreally 1,000+ Posts

    i nominated for best use of song in a movie on other thread....

    pa pa poka face pa pa poker face.

    the episode was iffy, but the poker face scene with rock band had me on the floor....

    ""I don't give a crap about whales so go and hug a tree!"
  5. blueglasshorse

    blueglasshorse 1,000+ Posts

    Much better than the previous two episodes. Solid.
  6. Y Sanchez

    Y Sanchez 250+ Posts

    Cartman singing poker face was tits. I agree that the first two episodes this season were substandard but this was a step in the right direction.
  7. Longhorny630

    Longhorny630 1,000+ Posts

  8. atxbaby

    atxbaby 250+ Posts

    What was awesome is that I had already made my Halloween costume - a mask made out of playing cards to be "Poker Face" - and then Cartman singing it on the SP episode just made it that much better. [​IMG]

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