Israel fights the good fight

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Chop, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Hamas Islamic terrorists have launched a multitude of rockets into Israeli civilian areas, killing many innocent civilians. Israel launched some retaliatory strikes at Gaza. You can't expect Israel to just sit back and take it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  3. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  4. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  5. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Note the GOVERNMENTS of some of the nearby Arab countries have been trying to make peace with Israel through the Abraham accords, etc. (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, maybe Egypt, and the Gulf States). The Islamists in that region, and especially the Palestinian radicals, will have none of this peace stuff... And Iran continues to support terrorist attacks on Israel, nothing new there.
  6. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    How will countries whose innocent civilians were murdered or taken hostage by Hamas react.
    There was the innocent German girl murdered and her body paraded by Hamas.
    Blinken said US is investigating reports of Americans kiiled or taken hostage.
    Hamas says it will trade hostages for Palis in prison.
    Very tense for us all.But think Israel has to defend itself.
  7. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Btw UK Daily mail has some amazing frightening pics. Will try to post later
    • Hot Hot x 1
  8. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    Is this really true?
  9. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Yes.Her name is Shani Louck. Hamas paraded her murdered bloody in back of pick up.For some reason I can't post links from this device.

    Our Ambassador to Israel is saying there are Americans among murdered and hostages.
    • WTF? WTF? x 1
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
  10. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    I think someone should put up comments made by AOC and The Crew (or the squad ; whatever they're called) in support of the Palestinians and then show these videos. They should also remind, FORCEFULLY, the American people that AOC et al support misogynists and homophobes. It needs to be done on national TV in prime time.
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  11. theiioftx

    theiioftx Sponsor Deputy

    Biden just financed it through 6 billion for hostages.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Bless Israel and the Jews. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    • WTF? WTF? x 2
    • poop poop x 1
  14. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    • WTF? WTF? x 1
    • poop poop x 1
  15. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Initial silence from ‘Squad’ in Congress about Hamas attacks -

    On Saturday night, Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) issued a statement about "ongoing violence in Palestine and Israel," in which she called for ending U.S. government support to Israel.

    “The Squad telling Israel to stand down after it was attacked and hundreds of its citizens were massacred. Incredible,”

    “Anyone hear from The Squad, or are they too busy celebrating?” wrote Esther Panitch, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives"

  16. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    • WTF? WTF? x 1
  17. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  18. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Administration Deletes Post Calling for Restraint After Hamas Attacks

    The Biden administration initially responded to the Hamas assault on Israel with a plea for "all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks" but deleted its initial social media response and issued responses from President Joe Biden and the administration that "unequivocally" condemned the attacks.

    In the original post, the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs said, "We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing," reports The National Review.

    Read more: Administration Deletes Post Calling for Restraint After Hamas Attacks |
  19. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains why voting 'present' on bill to fund Israel's Iron Dome moved her to tears | CNN Politics

    “It’s time to have serious conversations about conditioning military aid,” Ocasio-Cortez said at the time.

    In her letter Friday, the Democrat made clear she is opposed to the funding, writing that “for far too long, the U.S. has handed unconditional aid to the Israeli government while doing nothing to address or raise the persistent human rights abuses against the Palestinian people, and that this imbalance of power must be centered in any honest conversation about Israel and Palestine.”


    Ocasio-Cortez, Pocan & Tlaib Lead Joint Resolution to Block Weapon Sales to Netanyahu
    • WTF? WTF? x 3
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
  20. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    • Hot Hot x 1
  21. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    It's at least as true as Snake Island and the Ghost of Kyiv.
  22. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    I am for using the US military for protecting the US border. Let other countries secure their own borders. Israel has more than enough military power to protect themselves from Hamas.
  23. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    I am confused. Are you doubting the reports including video from Hamas that that girl was not murdered by Hamas along with hundreds of other innocent civilians?
  24. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Not really. I just think we should always be wary about any reports talking about stuff like this, even videos. I accept that some very heinous things were done.
  25. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Well we know vids can be "produced " but there are enough of vids out there that the world knows Hamas exposed themselves as evil ruthless and there may be links to other terrorists they have to be stopped.
  26. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Of course. Just as long as no American money or weapons are sent to Israel to do it. The IDF is a world class military and Hamas is small potatoes compared to them.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  27. utahorn

    utahorn 500+ Posts

    While Hamas MIGHT be small potatoes, do not understate them. They can still take innocent lives without thought.

    In my opinion, Israel has a strong military, and we should stay out.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  28. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Agree completely.
    There is a report that Biden just released 38 million to Palistine for aid.
    If true that changes things a bit.
  29. utahorn

    utahorn 500+ Posts

    What about the residents of Maui and Palestine, OH? Don't they matter?
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  30. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Well I can't find that report OR another someone said Biden gave 8 billion to Israel. Too many rumors

    BUT uta YOUR point is spot on. Why do Biden and Demx ignore Americans in need.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024

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