Israel fights the good fight

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Chop, Oct 8, 2023.

  1. guy4321

    guy4321 2,500+ Posts

  2. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    • poop poop x 1
  3. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  4. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  5. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  6. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  7. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Those pics make the pic I saw of Iranian women celebrating his death all the more meaningful. I hope the new dude doesn't retaliate against them. I will try to find that pic again
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: May 21, 2024
  8. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    TMI dude...

    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Thanks :headbang:
  10. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    If Iran had a 2nd Amendment, their regime would be long gone.
  11. Run Pincher

    Run Pincher 2,500+ Posts

    Just seeing the pictures makes me sick. There's times when you think the human rights violations are so bad the US just needs to go in and wipe out the fascists.
  12. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Similar feelings ricochet through my head.

    But.........................putting our Soldiers and Marines on the ground in Iran to fight Iran in a ground war does not seem like a good idea at all.

    Maybe arm the rebellion in Iran.
  13. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    If only we had a well-armed, highly competent, ally in that part of the World to do some dirty work for us...

  14. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    The evil wizard who ruined a country:

  15. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    And a new book enters the libraries of elementary schools across the country:

  16. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

  17. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    How about we don't get involved in any more killing. Iran though a bad place for me to live is relatively stable and would cost many many many lives and dollars to fight successfully against. Fighting them would hurt everyday, normal Americans like everyone on this website.
  18. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

  19. Bayerithe

    Bayerithe 1,000+ Posts

    Whether the actual account is 10k or 35k, that's still much too high for my liking. Israel has the capability of precision strikes against Hamas. What they are doing, instead, is quite reckless and shows blatant disregard for civilian life. One could chalk it up to 60-70 years of distrust of their Palestinian neighbors. And this is coming from someone who has the utmost support for Israel and it's right to remain a sovereign country and home of the Jewish people.
  20. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Well said.
  21. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    It's hard not to kill a lot of Palestinians when Hamas wants them dead too.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  22. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

  23. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Oh man. I didn't know that. I guess all Palestinians have no right to keep their own lives and property now. If only I knew some of the history. :confused:
  25. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    More seriously. The Palestinians made the wrong decisions back when they had more of the population and thought that they could control 100% of the land. They were promised that during WW1 and considered the new proposals betrayals. That doesn't mean they made wise decisions along the way. But it does explain their thinking. They sure didn't trust England at that point.

    Bare in mind that there were already Jewish people living in the land prior to that of which they had no problem. It was the Eastern European Communist Jews that they opposed.
  26. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Sure but the Eastern European Jews were in Judea before the Palestinians. Maybe if the Jews didn’t leave they would not have to beg to return.
  27. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    This needs repeated. People need to learn the history.
  28. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    That would make it the Romans' fault.
  29. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    And with the British Empire the heirs to Rome at the time, it was justified that they tried to right past wrongs.
  30. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Do you subscribe to a pass the baton among civilizations/empires theory?

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