2024 GOP Primary

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Mr. Deez, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. ViperHorn

    ViperHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Deya vu all over agaiIt is going to be 1968 all over again.
  2. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    The Convention will likely be a mess, but they'll be required to nominate Biden. However, after the convention, the DNC can crack skulls and make its own decision behind closed doors if it can first get Biden to drop out.
  3. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    She has vulnerabilities that can be exploited, but if she's the nominee, will there be time to take advantage of them? I'm not so sure.
  4. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    IMO the real issue isn't what Demx is running for POTUS. It is stopping the cheating as much as possible.
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    • Winner Winner x 1
    • poop poop x 1
  5. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    That is 100% fundamental to defeating whatever POS the dem party sticks on top of their ballot.
  6. HornHuskerDad

    HornHuskerDad 5,000+ Posts

    Maybe we should place poll watchers at the cemeteries.
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  7. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Only possible in states with red governors and legislatures. But red ruled states need to lock down the voting process to make it super secure. And deport illegals.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

  9. theiioftx

    theiioftx Sponsor Deputy

    Probably correct, but we are talking a corrupt, radical and unhinged DNC. They have been repeatedly caught cheating in elections. They know it might not be enough with a brain dead candidate. They have been grooming Newsome for more than a year.
  10. HornHuskerDad

    HornHuskerDad 5,000+ Posts

    It would be nice if the current Dem voters came to their senses and realized that the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left that the Party no longer reflects the views of the centrists - maybe they would stop voting for the Democrats. I know - that's asking a lot...
  11. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

  12. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Demx are so confident they are above the law they aren't bothering to dissemble.
  13. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    You may be right, 6721. It's disturbing how blatant they are becoming.
  14. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    They are realistic though. They know what a freak show their convention delegates will be, and of course, even bigger freaks will be outside the convention. They don't want a floor fight for the nomination. Those freaks will still be involved if the DNC chooses the nominee, but it will be behind closed doors where the weirdos and Jew-haters can be dealt with behind closed doors.
  15. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    I would subpoena him to testify regarding these meetings and what Cohen has told him. He's not Cohen's lawyer. There's no confidentiality.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Mr D
    Do you think the delegates on the floor will accept a Newsome etc as the nominee with no pushback?
  17. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    Yes. I don't think they're particularly sold on Biden, so if they can easily and cleanly dump him, I think they will.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    You are probably right BUT I don't see the rank and file hundreds of delegates meekly accepting a back room deal. Can't wait.
  19. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    But I think they view Biden as the backroom deal. Don't forget how he got the nomination in '20.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Interesting. So you think the run of the mill delegates are expecting a name from the back rooms and they will celebrate whoever??
  21. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    • Agree Agree x 2
  22. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

  23. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    I don't know what they're expecting, but I'm pretty confident that Biden isn't their first choice. By polling, 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is too old. Link. Does that mean they want the DNC to try to override the convention? No. But if Biden drops out and the DNC by necessity has to pick somebody else, I think they'll be relieved. They'll get somebody younger, sharper, probably more liberal, and harder to beat.
  24. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    To be fair, a dinosaur is younger than Joe Biden, and a nerf ball is sharper than Joe Biden. So those two qualifiers don't narrow the field at all.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  25. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Are you going to admit you were wrong? The trials are increasing his support. Rasmussen says a conviction is worth 5 more % pts in his polling.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  26. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    • Funny Funny x 1
  27. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

  28. theiioftx

    theiioftx Sponsor Deputy

    • Funny Funny x 1
  29. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    Wait, did they move the election to May, and I missed it? If so, then yeah, I guess I was wrong. ****, I forgot to vote.
  30. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    The video of him challenging Trump to the debate is hilarious. Even though it's only about 15 seconds long, they had to edit it a ton to make it coherent. Biden is a fool to push for this - unless he's going to step down. Then it makes a lot of sense.
    • Agree Agree x 2

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