Bye Bye Texas Showdown

Discussion in 'Esther's Follies' started by bozo_casanova, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. bozo_casanova

    bozo_casanova 2,500+ Posts

  2. Hornius Emeritus

    Hornius Emeritus 2,500+ Posts

    It occurs to me that bars come and go, but a drinker will survive.
  3. Mitch Cumsteen

    Mitch Cumsteen 250+ Posts

    That's sad. I shot way more than my fair share of pool at that joint. It's been forever since I've been there, but I feel obligated to share the mens room graffiti from back in the day, circa 1992:

    "There once was a girl named Dot.
    She lived on pig **** and snot.
    When she couldn't get these,
    She ate the green cheese
    That grew on the side of her twot."

    Adios to the Slowdown.
  4. GatorDave

    GatorDave 500+ Posts

    This is really starting to get irritating. They are not just closing down some upstarts that haven't been there very long. They are shutting down Austin staples with a lot of history and tradition. I have a lot of good memories at Showdown, and I hate to see it go.
  5. PFD

    PFD 1,000+ Posts

    One of my law school buddies once got us kicked out of Showdown by firing a stream of projectile-vomit about 6-8 feet in front of him. After five (yes, I know that's more than they're supposed to serve you), count them, five Mexican Martinis at Trudy's.

    True story.
  6. Statalyzer

    Statalyzer 10,000+ Posts

    F this. I hope they can find a good spot to move to. I've played many a round of darts at that place.
  7. axle hongsnort

    axle hongsnort 250+ Posts

    I had my first legal drink there. The bar tender was PISSED because I'd been drinking there for so long with a fake. Good times.
  8. uisge beatha

    uisge beatha 1,000+ Posts

    Wow, I had no idea this had only existed since 81. I started going there in 83 and it seemed like itd been around awhile Sorry to hear its going.
  9. Hornius Emeritus

    Hornius Emeritus 2,500+ Posts

    [john prine] I hate graveyards and old pawn shops
    'Cause they always bring me tears
    I can't forgive the way they robbed me
    Of my childhood souvenirs[/john prine]
  10. Dionysus

    Dionysus Idoit Admin

  11. TXSNOS

    TXSNOS 1,000+ Posts

    Bring back Raul's
  12. Macanudo

    Macanudo 2,500+ Posts

  13. El Sapo

    El Sapo Bevo's BFF

    Screw that place & their rude bartender(s).
  14. Hornius Emeritus

    Hornius Emeritus 2,500+ Posts

  15. Ignatius

    Ignatius 1,000+ Posts

    Agree with El Sapo, the hip/snotty quotient of the employees (and the owner, for that matter) has skyrocketed in the last 5-6 years...good ******* riddance...
  16. Macanudo

    Macanudo 2,500+ Posts

  17. kujotx

    kujotx 500+ Posts

    Thursday nights in the late 80's hanging out with Swedes and Norwegians... Dang those Norwegian dudes could drink....

    Stackars Showdown....
  18. ed teach

    ed teach 100+ Posts

    Happy minutes were a great start to many a night.
    Hope they find a new home with the same feeling.
  19. flyin shoes

    flyin shoes 25+ Posts

    The bartender told me that they would be closing on May 15th in case any of you were going to try and go one last time.
  20. unpaintedhuffhines

    unpaintedhuffhines 1,000+ Posts

    I'm all for keeping the austin dream alive and all....but

    everyone's posts talk about what they "used" to do at Showdown. You people probably haven't even thought about this bar in years, yet when it's being closed down you are quick to re-live the glory days. You couldn't care less if this place still existed so stop acting as if it's some big loss.
  21. Praise of Folly

    Praise of Folly 100+ Posts

    Unpainted, I haven't been to the Showdown in several years but if I had a friend or relative in town, that would be one of the places I would take the person; rather than 4th St.

    I guess my options are down to Deep Eddy and Donn's Depot.
  22. Statalyzer

    Statalyzer 10,000+ Posts

  23. Steel Shank

    Steel Shank 1,000+ Posts

    Agree with Stat.

    I used to go there in college and enjoyed it. Now, I do not go down to campus and hang out with the college kids, but that doesn't mean that I won't lament the loss.
  24. TxArch

    TxArch 250+ Posts

    damn unpainted, I don't know you, but I've usually thought you're a pretty cool guy from your posts. I think people's disgust with this situation comes from not only being able to visit the slowdown themselves in the future, but also for the students of the university that will never know its unpolished glory.
  25. Statalyzer

    Statalyzer 10,000+ Posts

    Not to mention that it's generally a bad idea to assume a bunch of things about someone you don't even know, and then talk about them as if they were known fact.
  26. Macanudo

    Macanudo 2,500+ Posts

    Some of us can't exactly pop into our favorite Austin haunts of old.
  27. unpaintedhuffhines

    unpaintedhuffhines 1,000+ Posts

    well, I guess I was wrong, some of you apparently do care that much about Showdown. Ok.
  28. unpaintedhuffhines

    unpaintedhuffhines 1,000+ Posts

  29. Steel Shank

    Steel Shank 1,000+ Posts

    If we were to beam this thread over to Showdown right now, there's be bottles being thrown and stools being crushed across backs!
  30. Steel Shank

    Steel Shank 1,000+ Posts

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