Joe Paterno - new developments

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by jackden, Nov 10, 2011.

  1. jackden

    jackden 100+ Posts

    1. Joe tried to retain a criminal defense attorney.

    2. Civil lawsuits might be filed against Joe and other PSU officials by the victims and their families (some reported the number of the victims is probably around 20).

    3. Joe lost a shot at receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

    The link

    TEXnSEATTLE 1,000+ Posts

    in CIVIL suits, JOEPA might end up wishing that he'd made alot more money...
  3. TigerPride

    TigerPride 1,000+ Posts

    He won't live to see the outcome. I can't believe he has survived living with this all these years as it is.
  4. Bayerithe

    Bayerithe 1,000+ Posts

    Civil suits are one of the stupidest things around in the legal system.

    I've got a friend who was driving and some guy who had a high blood alcohol level in his system as well as drugs, ran out in front of his car and got hit and died. now the guy's family is filing a civil suit against my friend.

    The whole idea that someone can be found not guilty of criminal actions but be hit with a civil suit makes my skin crawl

    The whole thing against Paterno is overblown. people need to stop caring about what Paterno did or didn't do, and worry more about what the actual rat bastard Sandusky did.

    wtf? [​IMG] [​IMG]

    TEXnSEATTLE 1,000+ Posts

    you got it half right, buddy...

    Sandusky is a 'rat bastard'....and in the lab I've known much better rats...

    Paterno had a chance to STOP the rat bastard and did NOTHING!!!

    THAT is a CRIME!!! (if not literally, MORALLY)
  6. caryhorn

    caryhorn 5,000+ Posts

    TexNSeattle is right.

    Paterno was the ratbastard's boss, was told the ratbasturd was anally raping a child and then Paterno did not go to the police. Instead he turned his head and pretended it would go away. As a result many other boys were raped over the following years.

    Lives were wounded and possibly ruined because of what the rat bastard did and because of what Paterno didn't do.
  7. Rayug

    Rayug 100+ Posts

    He is obligated to make a report due to his position. This report has to be made to the state Social Services/Public Welfare office.
  8. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    With veneration as a coach who does the right thing come expectations to do the right thing.
  9. fkubacak

    fkubacak 100+ Posts

    What would he have done if that had been his child?
  10. brntorng

    brntorng 2,500+ Posts

    I have a feeling we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg wrt Paterno's involvement in the cover-up. I don't have time to look for the source right now, but there are rumors that Sandusky's The Second Mile was a channel for illicit funds to prospects and players. That means Sandusky had the goods on Paterno which motivated Paterno to agree to the child abuse cover-up. Makes more sense than those involved just decided to look the other way wrt Sandusky. They all needed real motivation and that may have been it. It's just speculation, but stay tuned...
  11. Knoxville-Horn

    Knoxville-Horn 1,000+ Posts

    Well, if they were cheating, they sure were doing a crappy job of it.
  12. UpperDeck

    UpperDeck 25+ Posts

    Anyone see this story this week? Didn't get much coverage, but here's someone who doesn't bury a potential crime against children and when her supervisors won't follow-up takes it to the police. The person is ultimately charged. Her reward - getting fired. So much for "not doing enough".

  13. CanaTigers

    CanaTigers 2,500+ Posts

  14. darius

    darius 500+ Posts

    Bayerithe said: "The whole idea that someone can be found not guilty of criminal actions but be hit with a civil suit makes my skin crawl."

    I'm sure as heck glad that's what happened with OJ Simpson.

    It's the differing standards of "beyond all reasonable doubt" in criminal cases (basically, 99% sure) and "preponderance of the evidence" in civil cases (basically, 51% sure).

    I'm fine with a higher standard in criminal cases, where imprisonment or execution is the penalty, and the lower standard in civil cases, where payment of money is the penalty.
  15. Longhorny630

    Longhorny630 1,000+ Posts

    I understand if JoePa is found not to be criminally liable in this case because he did what he was required by law to do, but, going forward, the law most certainly needs to be changed. Maybe call it, the 'JoePa Law'
  16. TigerPride

    TigerPride 1,000+ Posts

    I can see JoePa ala Don Corleone in the Godfather to the conspirators concerning McQueary.........."I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."

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