Mack Brown vs. Rodan

Discussion in 'Classics' started by BrazilHorn, Jul 10, 2002.

  1. BrazilHorn

    BrazilHorn < 25 Posts

    After seeing the umpteenth post comparing Mack to another coach, I figured it was time to compare Mack to one of Godzilla's worst enemies......RODAN!!!!

    The first time Godzilla and Rodan fought it was a draw.

    Rodan has tremendous claws and a wing span that could buffet Mack with incredible force.

    Mack has a bevy of talented players at his disposal ranging from the Class of Beef to the Class of Pain.

    Capable of Supersonic Flight
    Can Peck,Claw and Bite
    Can lift up to 10x its body weight
    Has a death ray equal to Godzillas

    #1 Recruiting Class in America
    6 9+ win seasons in a row
    #5 team in the country
    Voted Top 5 in all preseason mags
    Backing of the Entire UT system and alumni

    So who do you think will win???
  2. FoghornLonghorn

    FoghornLonghorn 25+ Posts

  3. Philflesh

    Philflesh < 25 Posts

  4. Fan4life

    Fan4life 25+ Posts

    Mack wins after recruiting Godzilla.
  5. Fritz

    Fritz 500+ Posts

    I'm thinking that the recruitment of Mothra will go a long way in determining this outcome.


    Sure he/she has the wingspan, but can it make the grades? Mack needs an early verbal here...
  6. RagingBevo

    RagingBevo < 25 Posts

    fan4life, close but no cigar - mack recruits king kong and gamera and the university builds mechagodzilla and such trio defeats godzilla BUT the rest of the country say that all mack can do is recruit and that texas just outspends everybody.
  7. CoQ10

    CoQ10 < 25 Posts

    this is one of my all time favorites - I saw the first Rodan movie when it came out - Rodan's awesome, but Mack can take him. Recruiting counts.
  8. Allsome!!! [​IMG]

    I say Mack Brown. He studies the available film on Rodan and finds his weaknesses. Godzilla did not have time to study film on Rodan as there were none at that time.

    The Aggies, in a mad dash to try to keep up w/ UT, yet again and as always, goes after another famous son of a famous person. No, it is not Gus Jr. this time, son of Gus the kicking Mule...but Godzilla's kid...Godzooki!!! He went all the way to the South Pacific to find Godzooki. RC found him getting into trouble and screaming for his mom. You know how the Aggies "...want their mommies". He is a perfect fit. RC offered.

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