Morris: Clinton's Racial strategy

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Super, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Super

    Super 500+ Posts

    Who knows what makes them tick better than Dick?
    Interesting take - I've been saying all along that Clinton's path to the nomination was in dividing the party and making Obama the "black" candidate, but I'm not sure I buy his resolution:

  2. general35

    general35 5,000+ Posts

    I agree that the clinton's are making this a racial fight. this is probably the most interesting primary race in my lifetime. i would disagree about nevada. clinton won the popular vote but I believe obama won more delegates. obama can still win the nomination.
  3. Texas_Curl

    Texas_Curl 100+ Posts

    recently i heard a good analysis that the clinton's were trying to get obama off message. if obama has to slug it out like a regular politician instead of giving his soaring change speech, he's playing on clinton's turf, not his.

  4. Uninformed

    Uninformed 5,000+ Posts

    Morris was also saying that Bill Clinton's entrance into the spotlight was orchestrated. Basically, the more Bill Clinton is in the news, the less emphasis will be placed on Hillaries foibles and missteps.
  5. Summerof79

    Summerof79 2,500+ Posts

    Yep_ I always put my faith in jilted ***** mongers who occupy a seat on Fox News.... with an axe to grind with the Clintons about the underlying reason on why the CClinton's do anything... [​IMG]
  6. HoosierHorn

    HoosierHorn 500+ Posts

  7. austintexas

    austintexas Guest

    Where did Fox N ews come from, Summer?

    Do you agree with the assessment or not? Seems pretty spot on to me. Very Clinton-esque. Politically wise.
  8. Summerof79

    Summerof79 2,500+ Posts

    You know where Dick Morris has been a political commentator on Fox News for a long time don't you austintexas?

    Dick doesn't know dick about the clintons other than he used to work for Bill a LONG time ago. Outside of that employment history Dick simply likes putting inflamatory baseless ******** out there... exactly what Fox news watcher think is "factual...".

    So ye Dick wrote something, the folks on the right desperately want to believe it, and it's baseless in fact.....

    Heck reading this from Deck tellls intelligent informed folks all they need to know about the veracity of his argument,

  9. LonghornLawyer

    LonghornLawyer 500+ Posts

    Summer, regardless of what you think Clinton's or Obama's intentions were or are on the race thing, the fact of the matter is that the media is playing up the story that the Clintons are going after Obama on race. I think there's some basis in fact to support that conclusion, but whatever. The fact of the matter remains that if the Clintons remain on the present course, they threaten to cleave the Democratic Party during the primaries because blacks will believe the media story.
  10. austintexas

    austintexas Guest

    I didnt't know he was exclusive, Summer. So I take it you disagree with him? [​IMG]
  11. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    so what are you saying?
    That the clintons' haven't brought race into the campaign?
  12. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden 500+ Posts

  13. SomeMildLanguage

    SomeMildLanguage 500+ Posts

    Clinton is not pulling down his legacy. His legacy is precisely this sort of thing. In his mind, he is enhancing his legacy by 1. getting another four years in the White House; 2. showing that he is and will always be a kingmaker in the Democratic Party; and 3. proving that, more generally, he is the best campaigner in modern history.

    As an added benefit, he gets to remain the lone "black president" (as noted by Toni Morrison and others) America has ever had.
  14. Texas_Curl

    Texas_Curl 100+ Posts

    a 1000 years from now, the history books of the then dominant nation on earth (Manitoba) will actually list bill clinton as the first of the several black presidents to serve during the brief experimental constitutional era of the american empire.

  15. Summerof79

    Summerof79 2,500+ Posts

    Oh I certainly agree the media is playing the race issure for all it's worth. However as i siad I think that the real element of race was brought into the arena by Obama surrogates expressing outrage at Senator Clinton's innocuous remarks.

    The idea that the dems will the "cleaved in half" is silly to me. As the unifying factor for the entire cournty is how badly Bush and the GOP have ****** things up. I think you see Obama and Clinton make nice in the end and the whole thing disappears.

    Once again it's good to see the GOP supporters working to fan the embers of race hoping for a nice fire....
  16. austintexas

    austintexas Guest

  17. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Now Hillary has gotten just plain mean.
    After obama went on GMA today to assert no one had any inkling that Rezko was under federal investigation Hillayr's people referenced reports in the Chicago papers
    The Clinton camp cited four stories in newspapers from Obama's hometown of Chicago between July 2004 and September 2005 detailing the federal investigation into Rezko's alleged activities.
    How mean was it to expect obama or his people to read news about their home town in minor newspapers? I am guessing the 43K Rezko gave to Obama's campaign dulled their memory a bit. well until Ovama got called out on it. he is now returning it
  18. austintexas

    austintexas Guest

    Obama isn't ready for the big time. Though, I have to say, it is refreshing.
  19. Super

    Super 500+ Posts

    Don't kid yourself, Summer. The Clintons are crooks, and live in the political expediency of the moment - which is one of the many reasons they'll lose in November. The current strategy of tossing black voters under the bus is just the latest example of this. She is more than happy to cuddle them to her bosom when it benefits her, but is now apparently quite willing to piece them off in order to win the nomination. No doubt she will attempt to curry their favor again in September if it works.

    There's plenty more where that came from -
    a) calling out Obama's "present" votes re: abortion in the IL Senate = piecing off Dem women

    b) playing the corruption card with Rezko = trying to disillusion moderates, young voters energized by Obama, "change" voters

    c) playing possum on the Nevada caucus lawsuit = halting the slide of working union workers toward Obama

    She's more than willing to do what it takes to divide her opponents and anyone who has the temerity to question her divine right to the Democratic nomination. While the GOP laughs all the way to the convention - at least they understand that Obama, whatever his faults, is working to unite Democrats and independents, while Hillary unites Republicans.

    Playing the Iraq card is a push at best for HRC, since she voted for the Use of Force Resolution and has played both sides of the fence on it since Day 1. Her anti-war credibility is suspect at BEST. Moderate Dems and Indies who want out of Iraq can stomach a McCain who has been out front against government-sanctioned torture, reactionary immigration blowhards, and made a genuine attempt at campaign finance reform. His stance on Iraq is at least principled and consistent (in contrast with HRC's), and most that are disgusted with the Bush Administration's conduct on the war and national security issues can buy him as quite different on that score.

    She cannot win a national election, period. She will have burned too many bridges and cultivated more resentment than any viable candidate could possibly withstand. The only good thing about nominating her would be her certain defeat in November which would finish her both as a leader of national stature and as the titular head of the Democratic Party.
  20. LonghornLawyer

    LonghornLawyer 500+ Posts

  21. Super

    Super 500+ Posts

    Freudian slip indeed, counselor - In my haste I conjoined two sentences after editing my first attempt....something like, "consign her to titular head of the DP..." etc.
  22. austintexas

    austintexas Guest


    [butthead]uh, huh huh huh huh [/butthead]
  23. Mr.Wizard

    Mr.Wizard 1,000+ Posts

    Obama cannot hang with Clinton, so the racial angle is coming out from the media, sad.
  24. Super

    Super 500+ Posts

    Seems to be 'hanging' just fine so far.... [​IMG]
  25. zzzz

    zzzz 2,500+ Posts

  26. Austintxusa

    Austintxusa 2,500+ Posts

    I supported Bill Clinton as early as his leadership of the DLC before he announced his candidacy for president. I have an autographed photo of him before his first primary race.

    I am absolutely ashamed of his conduct in her campaign. I will not vote for Ms. Clinton if she is the Democratic candidate, which looks likely. I will sit out the first presidential election since I became eligible to vote.

    I have long railed on Karl Rove and his disreputable political strategy. Bill Clinton is following the Rove play book precisely. It works, it's sleazy.
  27. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden 500+ Posts

  28. zzzz

    zzzz 2,500+ Posts

  29. BattleshipTexas

    BattleshipTexas 1,000+ Posts

  30. rickysrun

    rickysrun 2,500+ Posts

    It's Dick Morris, the only thing in life he has going for him is that Sean Hannity will blow him once a week on the air while Dick gets to hub his new clinton scandal book. who gives a ****?

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