N Texas cab driver sought in double honor killing

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by capitalcity, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. capitalcity

    capitalcity 100+ Posts

    Murdered for dating non-muslims.

  2. THEU

    THEU 2,500+ Posts

    I heard of this killing, but this is the first time I have heard it mentioned that it might be an 'honour killing'.

    What I don't understand is moving to the United States and then being upset that your child adopts the culture here. What does a parent expect? If I moved to a foreign country I would expect my child to at pick up and adopt the culture of that country. If you want to live like you live in Egypt, stay there. I would say the same thing to Americans who move over seas and then complain that it's not like America.
  3. Captain Murphy

    Captain Murphy 250+ Posts

    This happened in Canada recently, too. I hope non-Muslim Americans don't think they're doing Muslim Americans a favor by taking an "it's a Muslim problem" approach to this issue. These girls lived in fear of their father. Apparently they felt there was no where for them to turn. I am not proposing that non-Muslims take advantage of the situation by embarking on a campaign to proselytize Muslim youth. But I do think we would promote cultural harmony in America if people like the girls who were slain in Dallas felt free to embrace American lifestyles and customs. For the most part we do a good job of this - Muslims in America have been more successful than their European counterparts in integrating into the local culture.

    But this story is a reminder that young Muslims who make the decision to embrace the freedoms of America may need safe havens from parents/relatives who don't embrace those freedoms.
  4. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    I wonder why NOW isn't speaking up against this?
  5. NameAlreadyInUse

    NameAlreadyInUse 500+ Posts

  6. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    Good point, NOW has really quieted down to meaningless.
    But this might be a chance for them to rebound in a meaningful way.
    someone should speak out and tell these monsters that this part of their culture /religion will NOT be tolerated in the USA
    OR what actually makes more sense since i don't see men who would kill their daughters caring what WE would tolerate:
    maybe Now or someone could reach out to young muslim women who only want to be like their Peers, let these young women know they can get help and they don't have to live in fear of their father or brother killing them.
    How awful it must be to be caught between your family culture that advocates and encourages honor killing and the prevalining culture of the country in which they live.
    The growth of muslim schools could be of concern.
    I drove by the huge new mosque/ school in Irving. On the way to a meeting there were the females out in the play/ PE area in full burkas or what ever the black robes are. On the way back from my meeting the play area was full of males in typical Western dress/
    very sad actually

    I don't think shari'a and our from of democracy coexist very well
  7. LonghornLawyer

    LonghornLawyer 500+ Posts

    I hate to tap the brakes on the convening lynch mob, seeing as how it's going after a cab driver and I hate cab drivers. But here goes:

    The father has only been described as a "suspect" by police, and while it's damned suspicious when your two daughters are found shot dead in your cab, he hasn't been convicted or even indicted of anything. More to the point, we don't know that this was an honor killing, and we have nothing but the hearsay of a 16-year old to conclude that the father's Muslim weltanschauung was the motive for the murders.

    So with those two disclaimers out of the way, I gently return you to the torchlit mob forming up in Pegasus Plaza.
  8. Ankf00

    Ankf00 250+ Posts

  9. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    which complexes have YOU driven by lately that so publically divided the sexes and whar they could participated in?

    I have to say it was pretty chilling to see young females in complete black robes trying to particiapte in PE
  10. Captain Murphy

    Captain Murphy 250+ Posts

  11. LonghornLawyer

    LonghornLawyer 500+ Posts

  12. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    IIRC hsi wife also told police he did it, It was in the first story I read about this nad I can't find it anymore
    No one in this thread has called for a lynching btw
  13. capitalcity

    capitalcity 100+ Posts

    The question isn't whether he is guilty of double murder.

    The question is which sympathetic mosque is harboring him.
  14. Ankf00

    Ankf00 250+ Posts

  15. Captain Murphy

    Captain Murphy 250+ Posts

  16. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    I have never seen an amish teen age girl or hasidic teens who were cloaked head to to in black robes and only slits to see, Have YOU?
    I have not heard of any amish or hasidic teen age girls killed by thir male family for not adhering to the tenets, have YOU?

    If you have credible information either religion oppresses women to the point they fear for their lives and / or have any credible stories of women murdered for refusing to obey please share it. I will speak out against the same kind of abuse any group teaches is acceptable.

    Only by learning about abuses/ murders that go beyond what is allowed in OUR nation can we stop it from happening here.
  17. crash_davis

    crash_davis 250+ Posts

    i have two daughters. the thought of anyone harming them makes me want to kill that person. so the thought of harming them myself is unimaginable, no matter what the "reason".

    if this man did this, he should be killed. i normally do not agree w/ the death penalty but when you kill your own kids, that's a whole level of sickness. you do not deserve to live.
  18. Ankf00

    Ankf00 250+ Posts

  19. LonghornLawyer

    LonghornLawyer 500+ Posts

  20. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    well I may be wrong but I thought it WAS the most radical islamists who required strict wearing of the burq or what ever the head to toe black robes are called AND who advocated honor killings. shari's is one that I thought held both beliefs and it is the breaking of the one belief tha can spur the killings
    so IF they are not both advocated by the same radicals please let me know.

    the Wife gave the irving police that led them on the chase to find the father.
    No one is calling for this guy's lynching unless he is guilty but gee if your own wife gives you up to the police??
    as far as the son saying it is not honor killing what exactly would YOU expect the son to say
    BTW both the son and the wife are in protection for their own safety
  21. Woland

    Woland 500+ Posts

  22. Ankf00

    Ankf00 250+ Posts

  23. El_Guapo

    El_Guapo 500+ Posts

  24. NameAlreadyInUse

    NameAlreadyInUse 500+ Posts

  25. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    You are sying it is culture not religion. What culture? We here in the West within past 3 mons have had honor kiilings OR whatever you choose to call a father killing his daughter for not adhering to their "culture"
    so what is the culture? there were pakistanis palestians and the latest egyptian. what is the culture of these mem all from different countries? What is the basis of hte culture?
    Regarding shari'a law what if the fathers/ male members believe in strict adherence to shari'a and the female members of the same family believe in more moderate adherence, Who will prevail?
    How cute of you to post that I am wrong but Ank you'd have more credibility if you posted How I am wrong.

    Trying to link amish and hasidic behaviors to honor killings does nothing to address honor killings and so far you haven't cited any credible soruces showing hasidic jews or amish have killed their dauhters for not living according to the tenets.
  26. El_Guapo

    El_Guapo 500+ Posts

  27. Woland

    Woland 500+ Posts

  28. Roger35

    Roger35 2,500+ Posts

  29. Horn6721

    Horn6721 10,000+ Posts

    so you are saying there is nothing in Islamic Sharia law that covers how a muslim woman should dress or how a muslim woman should act? There is nothing in islamic sharia law that calls for punishment id someone breaks from the tenets?
    that these acts are ONLY due to culture or maybe to a father's sense of loss of control?
    perhaps and then I guess it is just coincidental that islamic shari'a law has dictates that cover these areas9 dress and behavior) as well as calling for punishment when these tenets are broken?
    but it is not of course a religious issue.

    BTW I have not heard ONE condemation by the leaders of the islamic community here in the Dallas area.
    Wouldn't it help the perception of the Imans spoke out agains this and explained that sharia law does not call for punishment of women who do not adhere to its' tenets?
  30. Woland

    Woland 500+ Posts

    Islam says women should cover their bodies except their face and hands. It does give an earthly punishment for not doing so.

    Wearing a Hijab = Religious

    Punishment for not wearing a Hijab = Cultural

    Many women in Pakistan, Lebanon, and North Africa do not wear the Hijab. They are still Muslim. Other cultures vary as to who should wear the Hijab.

    If the girls were committing adultry, then there is a proscribed punishment, but it certainly isn't being shot in the back of a cab. Its a rather complicated procedure involving witnesses and confessions.

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