Power to the people in Kyrgyzstan

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by HornsInTheHouse, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. HornsInTheHouse

    HornsInTheHouse 500+ Posts

    Protesters in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan overthrew the corrupt, authoritarian government today. They had to fight hundreds of riot police and suffered many casualties but squarely beat the police. Today showed that non-violence does not always work. The protesters beat the police, stole their weapons, and stormed the institutions of government.


    Police fleeing over a wall. This is one of the funniest pictures I've seen this year.


    Protesters seize their weapons, including sniper rifles and rocket launchers, and turn the tables on the security forces.


    The protesters were willing to die for their cause (40+ dead, 400+ wounded) and the police were not. Very telling.
  2. HornsInTheHouse

    HornsInTheHouse 500+ Posts

    More pictures here.


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