Random West Mall Postings

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Chop, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Mr D
    Didn't you forget to add Yet? :lol:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. guy4321

    guy4321 2,500+ Posts

    • Funny Funny x 4
  3. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Bernie Sanders pushes bill to establish a four-day workweek

    A press release on the bill described it as an “important step toward ensuring workers share in increasing productivity and economic growth driven by technological advancements.”

    Moving to a 32-hour workweek with no loss of pay is not a radical idea,” Sanders said in a statement. “Today, American workers are over 400 percent more productive than they were in the 1940s. And yet, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages than they were decades ago. That has got to change.”

    “The financial gains from the major advancements in artificial intelligence, automation and new technology must benefit the working class, not just corporate CEOs and wealthy stockholders on Wall Street,” he said. “It is time to reduce the stress level in our country and allow Americans to enjoy a better quality of life. It is time for a 32-hour workweek with no loss in pay. I look forward to the discussion this week.”
    • WTF? WTF? x 1
  4. Monahorns

    Monahorns 10,000+ Posts

    Do this if you want humans replaced with machines at a quicker pace and for more types of work OR if you want to move more jobs to other poorer countries.

    Bernie Sanders really is dumb. Anyone who would vote for him is the same.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Run Pincher

    Run Pincher 2,500+ Posts

    I've certainly never known what even a 40 hr workweek is, much less 32. Unless you consider when I've been unemployed.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  6. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    The only time I've ever had a 40 hour workweek was the brief stint I did in civilian government work. There, it was a literal 40 hours per week, period. While IMHO it was a "cush" job, I found working there to be depressing and not lucrative at all.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    I am on spring break with my wife and kids. Traveling from the Woodlands out to Carlsbad Caverns, up to Sante Fe and Taos, back to Amarillo (Palo Duro) and Fort Worth, etc before heading home. I worked 2-4 hours a day on email and conference calls before 8 am in the morning and after 8 pm at night.
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  8. lkainer

    lkainer 500+ Posts

    That is why a politician can't relate. He doesn't know what a 24 hour workweek is.
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  9. theiioftx

    theiioftx Sponsor Deputy

    He has never held a job or operated a company. If your company only needs you 32 hours a week, they probably don’t need you at all.
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    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
  10. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Pinochet was one mean tough SOB, but he was necessary at that place and time. 4th Quarter of the Cold War; Latin America was still a toss-up between Free and Communist; world's biggest supplier of copper.

    It's a fascinating story that would take a long time to go through. Apparently, Pinochet was an "accidental dictator." He didn't even want to overthrow Allende, and in the initial rebellion, he actually fought against the coup. The 2nd go-round, Pinochet was reluctantly drawn in. The real hard-line Right Winger was the Chilean Navy guy (maybe "Ramos"?) The Army and Navy conspirators were at odds and very testy towards each other. Pinochet was the guy sitting in the corner that they all more-or-less tolerated, and that they could all agree to, so he was thrust into the leadership position. After the successful coup, our covert folks sent in U. of Chicago economists to advise him and the rest is history.

    I met a number of Chilean tourists during my time in Hawaii and they all adored Pinochet, so he must have been popular with the people.
  11. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    I've heard it was one of Nixon's guys, maybe Kissinger, or maybe Nixon himself, who came up with the idea of getting all the truckers, bus drivers, and cab drivers to go on strike. That paralyzed things and turned much of the masses strongly against Allende.
  12. nashhorn

    nashhorn 5,000+ Posts

    Envious Mc, that NM loop was an annual thing for wife and I pre-Covid years. Haven’t made it back yet due to many reasons. Enjoy the land of red and green.
  13. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    So Mrs. Deez was somewhat suddenly called to San Antonio for a work conference, so somebody decided to tag along and drive up north. For the record, it's an Ayinger Celebrator.

    • Like Like x 9
  14. utahorn

    utahorn 500+ Posts

    MC - If interested, go to Roswell. The "crash" did not happen there, it was about an hour north at Corona. BTW, Roger Staubach went to Mew Mexico Military Insitute in Roswell before the Naval Academy.
    • Hot Hot x 1
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
  15. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Yes we drove through it. Lots of interesting signs for taking tourist photos.
  16. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Did similar trek from DFW to some of those spots including NM, Big Bend, Alpine with family when my kids were young. Great times and memories.
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  17. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Going to do a southern trek a separate time.
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  18. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    I did a week long journey with wife and kids a few years before the Wuhan Coronavirus hit. We went to Carlsbad Caverns -- we liked the bats' exit from the Caverns a bit before dusk. The Caverns were worth it. Ruidoso -- it was ok. It's not Colorado or the Northern Rockies, but it is cool mountains in Summer with pine trees. Nice enough. Good times hiking in nature and enjoying the cold water clean streams.

    Then we went to the UFO museum in Roswell. Sorry, but that's gotta be the dumbest tourist trap I've ever visited (and I lived in Florida for over a year...). My youngest was freaked out by the grey aliens that moved in the museum. The Mexican food is mostly quite good in that State, ask the locals where to go.

    And Allsups gas stations have notoriously nasty and filthy restrooms. Buckees they are not.
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  19. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    Next trip, pre-check out staying in Marathon TX at the Gage Hotel. 5 stars. Close to Big Bend.

    I believe HF poster @Gylcomer lives in or around that area and can give some good advice.
  20. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    When you go to Big Bend, take the raft trip through Santa Elena canyon.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  21. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    Just don't get injured. You're on your own out there.

    There's a cool bar in Terlingua that has a beans buffet some nights (a bunch of different kinds of beans). Reminds me of Blazing Saddles. There are some places in Terlingua built into caves. The locals don't like Lajitas ("La Hideous"), but it's kinda neat. Looks like a Western town from the old movies. And they've got golf, including one International hole, where the green is in Mexico. Now, this was before the Cartels got real bad. I don't know if they mess much with that remote area?
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  22. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

    We considered that, wish we had done it !
    • Like Like x 1
  23. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    We had a real good guide. The natural scenery is amazing.

    Also, the Chisos Basin and the (relatively short) hike to the "window" yields an awe inspiring view. There were signs advising of the presence of mountain lions up in the Chisos Basin, but I quickly threw the ******** flag on that. What they do have are countless big tarantulas, and huge centipedes. And vultures.
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  24. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    Which might be related to the consumption of their notoriously nasty and filthy fried burritos.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  25. lkainer

    lkainer 500+ Posts

    Allsups is the nostalgic typical roadside gas station. Condom vending machines in the restroom, clogged toilets with no toilet paper, graffiti on the restroom walls, and a pickle jar by the cash register. Good old days.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  26. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    I have to admit that I like those nasty-*** burritos. I even like their "salsa," which is basically ketchup with chilli powder and diluted with vinegar. I know it's some of the lowest quality food you can eat, but for whatever reason, I like them.
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  27. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    Yep, and they seem to be in somewhat dumpy rural towns on small but well-travelled highways. I don't usually see them on or near the Interstate. I see then in places like Jacksboro or Hico.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  28. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts

    They are all over the South Plains and Panhandle.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  29. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    I just drove 2250 miles last week on the family spring break trip: Woodlands - Abilene - Carlsbad - Sante Fe / Taos - Amarillo - Fort Worth - Waco - Woodlands. I saw Allsups everywhere and yes in the small towns located in between the bigger cities on the major highways. Allsup was the only gas station in Vaughn, NM after driving 100 miles north of Roswell. Literally no gas station for 100 miles. The road was so straight and devoid of traffic, I read twitter on my phone while driving 80 mph and not be unsafe.
  30. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    I know you don’t like Waco, but the mammoth museum there is great.
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