Really, Iowa?

Discussion in 'On The Field' started by Horns11, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Horns11

    Horns11 10,000+ Posts

    The halftime show WAS your reprieve from that sorry excuse of football you played yesterday. It was funny. It wasn't even half as offensive as some of the stuff Stanford has pulled in the past, or Rice has done for that matter.

    I think Big Ten fans in general just don't "get it" when it comes to making light of situations, particularly scatter band shows.
  2. thorny

    thorny 25+ Posts

    stanford and rice bands, the best half times in college sports
  3. wadster

    wadster 5,000+ Posts

    You can like both. I like precision marching like UT gives us, the dotting of the i for tOSU, but I still really enjoy the Mob and Stanford. When the Mob did Reville peeing on a fire hydrant, I almost lost it. Probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.
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