Release The Memo

Discussion in 'West Mall' started by Clean, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    Nothing ... assuming she's done as a presidential rival.
  2. Mr. Deez

    Mr. Deez Beer Prophet

    But that's my point. I could bring up Hillary's lies about countless things, but that wouldn't have justified me voting for Trump.
  3. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    I think there are some on the Left who actually still believe they can impeach him as if Pence is a better alternative. I think they hate Pence as much but he may not be as effective as Trump can be with his blunt talk allure.
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  4. iatrogenic

    iatrogenic 2,500+ Posts

    What is the consequence?
  5. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    Totally agree but the climate is so poisonous that nobody actually cares about the country it seems. I don't know the rush on this. I'd just keep it in my pocket and tell the Dems if they want a knife fight bring it on; otherwise just back off the impeachment and calling me a white supremacist talk.
  6. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

    Pence is more conservative and steadier than Trump. I don't see him being any less hostile to the left's political aims. If Trump is impeached it will be for consequential lawbreaking and abuse of authority ... intolerable regardless of your political stripe. I don't like Trump, but there will have to be a revelation of facts that will make us all sick to our stomach... Nixonian abuse of power... to remove Trump before he wants to go.
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  7. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    I think Mueller is going to report that Trump pushed back on the investigation (or witch hunt as the case may be), which will be enough for the Dem base to keep pushing for impeachment due to obstruction though it will go no where. This is where the Nunes memo is so important. If Trump can rightly say it was a witch hunt, any claims of obstruction is farcical. Dems have a rickety set of arguments against Trump that could fall down if one leg is removed.
  8. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    There will be an immediate onslaught on Pence if Trump is removed. It would shock me if there isn't a move to impeach Pence almost immediately from the progressive wing of the party. I don't think they'll get anywhere with it, but it will be brought up.
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  9. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    No doubt. I think the main objection to him from their perspective are his religious convictions. But we all know it's really about power and SCOTUS selections. In my view, SCOTUS nominations are where the fingers hit the nose on the actual candidates for President.
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  10. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    Trump has authorized release
    Interesting timing

    One of the more immediate and obvious key points is that surveillance of Trump campaign would not have been approved without Steele dossier

    "The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications."

    So, there you go. An entire federal investigation of a presidential candidate and President was wholly based on an accusation from campaign opposition research

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  11. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

  12. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    This is banana republic stuff
    This is what Obama did to us

  13. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    "DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president."
  14. Garmel

    Garmel 5,000+ Posts

    I was assured many times there were no scandals during Obama's presidency.
  15. OUBubba

    OUBubba 5,000+ Posts

    It left out the part about a GOP candidate being the initiator of the dossier. In fact, the DNC and the HRC campaign wouldn't have had any part of it but not for that fact.

    Let's see the fall out from all of this. I do think it's funny that Comey and his FBI were actually more responsible for Trump being elected than Russia and most of the main players in this are GOP folks and a few even appointed by DJT yet they're conspiring against him?
  16. iatrogenic

    iatrogenic 2,500+ Posts

    The memo-

    So much for the credibility of the FBI and DOJ. How many more turds are stuffed in those departments?
  17. iatrogenic

    iatrogenic 2,500+ Posts

    More speculative B. S. from an Okie that supported bias in the DOJ and FBI.
  18. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    Sotomayor v Gorsuch. Is there any greater contrast when it comes to choosing YOUR President?
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  19. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Some highlights:

    - One initial and three subsequent FISA warrants obtained, beginning Oct. 2016, to surveil Carter Page. Each warrant requires a separate finding of probable cause. (I.E. "but the guy before me approved it" is not an excuse.)
    - James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, Rod Rosenstein all signed off at one point or another.
    - The Steele dossier was utilized to obtain each of the warrants, and at no time was it disclosed to be a campaign document or the source of its funding. Fusion GPS is not mentioned in the initial application.
    - The Carter Page application cites a Yahoo News article as part of its case, and that article is actually based on the Steele Dossier.
    - Steele was terminated as an FBI source for disclosing his relationship with the FBI to the media. Steele lied about those contacts with the media until after the Page application was submitted.
    - Steele told Bruce Ohr that he was desperate that Trump not be elected. Ohr's wife was at the time working for Fusion GPS. FISC was never told about that relationship, nor about the fact that Ohr provided opposition research from his wife to the FBI.
    - Steele's reporting was assessed as minimally corroborated after Steele's termination.
    - McCabe testified in Dec. 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from FISC without the dossier.
    - No evidence of coordination between Steele and George Papadopoulos. FBI counterintelligence investigation started by Strzok in July 2016 after information about Papadopoulos came to light.
    - Texts between Strzok and Lisa page indicate coordinated leaks to the media and extensive discussions of the investigation.
  20. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    This is stupid even for you. Who cares who originated it initially? Steele was hired by the DNC, anyway, so his behavior originated during that time. But regardless, the issue is not the dossier. It's how the dossier was used by the FBI to obtain a search warrant. I don't care if it was paid for by the Muppets.
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  21. Seattle Husker

    Seattle Husker 10,000+ Posts

    Hogwash! I've always wanted to use that word. If Trump is impeached and Pence isn't caught up in any of the reasons you won't hear a peep about impeachment. That doesn't mean that liberals won't push back on his agenda but impeachment talk will be absent. They'll look to defeat him in the next election.

    From an outsider's perspective Pence hasn't been intertwined in any of the more controversial matters that might result in charges against Trump. Liberal will hate his social agenda but they'll appreciate his decor a lot more. At a minimum, Pence would be back some class to the office.
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  22. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Good summation from Daily Wire:

    "So, here’s where we are: the FBI and DOJ clearly cut corners in an effort to push forward the Trump-Russia investigation. They worked with Fusion GPS materials to do so, and didn’t tell the FISA court. And then they apparently fibbed to the American people about the supposed risks to the intelligence community if the public found out about their original lies by omission. But the Page warrant isn’t the entirety of the investigation, and attempts to take down the entire investigation based on this memo will be a wild oversell."
  23. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Because you just keep getting everything else right about this situation?

    Hoping we don't find out, but at the Progressive SOTU rant-fest, Michael Moore said in so many words "I'll take care of Pence." They hate him every bit as much as they hate Trump - maybe more - and the hit job will begin immediately. I'm not saying he WILL be impeached. I'm not saying the mainstream Dems will push for it. I'm saying you'll hear several liberal magazine/publications and at least two or three progressive congresspeople call for it in some way, shape or form.

    It will likely take the form of an immediate attack on his religious beliefs. Bernie Sanders has already set the precedent in his statement that someone who holds relatively conventional Christian beliefs has no place in federal leadership.
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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  24. Crockett

    Crockett 5,000+ Posts

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  25. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    "Wild oversell." Sounds like the DC we all know and love.
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  26. ProdigalHorn

    ProdigalHorn 10,000+ Posts

    No question - I fully expect Trump to call for an end to the "witch hunt" by end of day. Not sure I blame him for that, but I would blame conservative pundits for saying "this memo proves that the entire Muller investigation is a sham."
  27. bystander

    bystander 10,000+ Posts

    It would be stunning to me if Donald Trump actively worked with Russian agents to win the election. The thing that is frustrating is how the Left downplayed Hillary's (to be kind) gross negligence with her servers, then after we get hacked ON OBAMA'S watch, the only thing that matters is to try to pin an actual collusion claim on Trump.
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  28. OUBubba

    OUBubba 5,000+ Posts

    If it doesn't matter who initiated it then don't mention the DNC or HRC? It should also say funded by ____________. Heck, that would go further to support why all of these GOP people are supposedly out to get the president.
  29. Clean

    Clean 5,000+ Posts

    I guess Trump got the answer to his question to Rod Rosenstein; "are you loyal to me. Can I count on you" ? Obviously he's not. He signed off on the FISA warrant knowing what he knew.

    Mike Huckabee said last night that this made Watergate look like a fraternity prank. I agree.
  30. OUBubba

    OUBubba 5,000+ Posts

    How would you classify the action of the Trump campaign providing demographics to people purchasing facebook ads targeting specific regions and voters? Those people might work in..., I don't know,.....St. Petersberg.

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