Rivals 3-sport rankings

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by billygoat hill, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. billygoat hill

    billygoat hill 250+ Posts

    This is an interesting read during these dog days between baseball and football. Funny to see aggy ahead of Notre Dame. [​IMG]

    The Link
  2. WorsterMan

    WorsterMan SEC here we come!!

  3. TheGallopinGoose

    TheGallopinGoose 2,500+ Posts

    I trust this sort of intersport ranking better than something like the Directors' Cup because the Director's Cup is watered down with the likes of lacrosse, rowing, water polo, etc. No offense to those sports, but not a whole lot of attention is paid to them by the masses. This Rivals ranking looks solely at the "main event" men's sports, and Texas is solidly on top. [​IMG]
  4. Valmy77

    Valmy77 1,000+ Posts

    I love how Rice has more points than Texas A&M or Notre Dame just with its baseball program alone.

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